What the motherf-ck but, comment?

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              Guys, Okay, I'm sorry. I needed to put that out there. It's been way too long and I promised you guys an update. I want to say the chapter is practically done, maybe a few more paragraphs and I MOTHERFUCKING PROMISE TO HAVE IT UP TONIGHT . I know that you're all so freaking tired about waiting, AND AGAIN I'M SORRY BUT! I can not stress enough that IT WILL BE UP TONIGHT. Am I sorry I'm taking so long? Hell yes, but can you cut me some slack? I don't know, I got a lot of messages and most were adorable and lovely and I HATE WHEN AUTHOR'S HATE ON PEOPLE THAT ASK THEM TO UPDATE BECAUSE FUCK YOU THEY JUST LOVE YOUR FREAKING STORY BE LUCKY, but um, some of them were -how do I say?- too much? Don't curse at me. Don't be rude about it. And don't motherfucking spam me, kay? I do love all of you, really, I do, but calm your nipples, yeah? Jeez. I'm the nicest person, but do I have to be? Hell no. So calm thyselves young wattpad readers, your time is now. The chapter will be up in the a few hours. 

           okay! Besides that rant! I have REALLY BIG NEWS! This is going to surprised a lot of you that have messaged me personally or commented, asking me if I plan to make a second book to this. When you've asked me that question I flat out told you all no. Because, honestly, I was never planning to. I honestly didn't want to. Why would I? I didn't think I'd be able to make an idea on HOW really. But, I HAVE! Because, I'm fabulous? No, I'm kidding. Anyways, here's the thing.

       Okay, guys, I told myself that I WOULD NOT be making a spin off or second book to this, but I REALLY enjoyed writing this and really loved the way I let the characters develope, so, I have a question to ask all of you. I thought that after I write the epilogue -which will be up in a few days- I could go and start on a second book! This will be about Louis and Harry FINALLY starting a family and maybe Niall is envolved somewhere in there - haven't decided if I want him to live or not yet. So I was wondering if I MAYBE I did write a book #2 on this , would anyone care to read the struggles of Louis and Harry (Maybe Niall) on trying to raise a family and continue their job? It wouldn't be that far into the future though. Maybe only a 5 year difference or something. If not, I'll just make a very final ending with main character deaths. I would most likely call it The Killer Family or something lame like that(unless any of you have awesome ideas?).

    So I would seriously love some feed back. I actually NEED feedback on this one, because if I get none I don't guess I'll make a second book. (I'm not bribing I'm being honest, here). So leave a comment, send me a message, you could even leave me some ideas on what you want to see in the next one. I'm going to have it laid out almost like this first book, but not exactly. Either way I have a feeling it will be just as popular as this.... I hope? Okay comment and vote guys, thanks x.

Harold E. Lewis.

The Killer Couple Book 1 //L.s auWhere stories live. Discover now