First in line 2

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"So," I started, dragging the word a little bit. "Do I look like a normal kid now?" I'm not used on wearing such a laid-back outfit. My attire would always consist of a tuxedo or a button up shirt and slacks.

"Nah." Ryan waved his hand back and fourth in the air. "You still look too handsome, and maybe also too eligible."

I smirked. "At least I still got the sophisticated part inside of me." Before Ryan can retort any more bad thing invented about me, my dad stepped inside the room. He was already wearing a tuxedo, but his hair was not yet fixed and so was his tie.

"Son, I just want to wish you good luck before I go." He walked towards me, and patted my back soothingly.

"Whoa, wait. You're leaving?"

"Yes." He answered, then proceeded to do his tie. "I'm going to Virginia."


"To talk to Anthony about the new plan he wants to implement on anti-flood systems and evacuation. If you haven't heard it in the news--a storm is about to hit half of the country in approximately one week. They said it could create a lot of damage." He explained, deeply sighing before rubbing his forehead. "Damn weather."

"Well good luck dad, you can do it. You're the man." I tried to booze his energy a little bit but he just laughed before patting my back once again. "Thanks for trying, my boy. Just remember to keep it cool, don't come off too harsh and don't come off too geeky. Just do it the 'Reynolds' way."

I chuckled, hell, even Ryan did. "Yeah sure."

He gave me one last smile, before walking away, but not before giving me one last message. "Oh, before I forget. Take care of your mother and siblings while I'm gone. Also try out for some sports to build some muscles."

"Got it." I grinned sheepishly as his figure slowly disappeared through the shadows.

"Ready to go, first son?" Ryan asked me, raising one eyebrow in curiosity.

I grabbed my bag and jacket before nodding my head yes.

"We come here today to witness John Reynolds' first day in high school. Everyone is so excited to be his schoolmate or if lucky, to even become his friend--" When Jenna, the reporter, noticed me walking with body guards blocking the students and reporters for ever touching or even getting a hold of me, she immediately came running towards me. Of course, Ryan also blocked him.

"John, what are your thoughts regarding going to school after years of just being taught in the house?" I don't even know if I should answer. My dad would always greet the press with enthusiasm but when they bug him while walking he'll just smile. I just gave her a normal response that is probably obvious. "It's surprising but I didn't complain." Unfortunately, answering her question was a pretty bad thing because the next thing I knew, the other reporters started to bombard me with different questions.

"Okay, let John get some peace!" A middle-aged woman suddenly exclaimed. "This school will not allow the press to produce such chaos in the grounds. Please, we are asking all of the cameramen and reporters to leave school property now."

Ryan quickly pushed me inside the building and the other guards quickly closed the school doors to stop all the reporters from getting more access in my life. I sighed once there are no more flashes to hinder me from seeing, but when I finally looked up, all the students are gaping at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, then suddenly all the girls screamed and ran to where I am. Thank God, the guards rapidly comprehended what's happening and blocked their way.

"Johnny, I love you!"

"John, Oh my God. Please marry me."

Same words as always.

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