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MY BREATH CAME in ragged puffs as I ran back on deck leaving a hot trail of steam after me. Kellyn had long been on deck already explaining the dire situation to the men who were still coated with sweat and grime from the training they were doing. By the time I got to them, they were already discussing battle plans and I barely held in my grunt of displeasure.

"You traitor! You have been betraying us all this while haven't you?" I screeched at Kadja who didn't even flinch. Her purple eyes looked at me carefully and her lips thinned.

"She's the sister to Luciana! The source of this war" I roared angrily and watched as the men turned to stare at her grimly.

"Be careful youngling. You know nothing about me and the actions I choose to carry out. Do not test me" Kadja replied in a cool voice.

"You vermin! By the gods-"

"Enough!" Calvin interrupted Kellyn's threat and she bared  her teeth at him like a wild animal. "I trust Kadja with my life. I know she wouldn't do what you have accused her of. They may be sisters, so what?"

I shook my head in pity for Calvin. The sneaky witch has probably poisoned his heart against us. Just as I was about to say something, Corey cut in.

"We are forgetting we have an army of lissers to deal with here. We'll resolve this after the battle." His voice left no room for argument and we all murmured an agreement.

"We're lucky to have Kellyn's partially awakened form with us. Her claws and speed will serve us well in this battle. Lissers are strong and stupid. You must guard your thoughts at all times because their power lies in the fear that torments people and they are able to bring it to life"

Master! They are too strong and reek of dark magic. They are but a few minutes away from here and they ride flying black shadows. They come from the air.

"Oley quick, ready some of your warriors skilled with shooting arrows and gather them round the ship." Looking back towards the group I told them the update of the situation.

"Very well. To battle!" Corey roared , a balled fist shot up in the air and the men replied in unison.

"Ta ta liente  nei?" He asked.

"Tavta liente shei" The men replied and a surge of pride burst through Corey. His men were willing to die for him.

It wasn't very long before the lissers arrived so high up in the air riding on black shadows. The magic from them almost choked me and I found myself cowering behind Corey. He spared me a glance, nodding his head once as if telling me all will be well.

With a command from Corey, the men shot arrows at the lissers who were now much closer to the ship. The arrows pierced through the air and hit their targets successfully but they didn't falter a bit. They proceeded forward like nothing happened and dread washed over me like a cool breeze seeping deep into my bones.

As they drew closer, I was allowed better view of their faces and I almost retched. This was their original form and they were in every way disgusting. They were of average height, bulky and stout. Their skin was a dirty shade of brown, thick as the bark of a tree and they had little pointy things on their back. They had obsidian coals as eyes and as they landed on the the ship, I felt it go a little lower into the water.

My sister lunged into action almost immediately, severing their heads  and slashing them with her sharp claws. She was a blur in the sea of cobalt. Their blood was cobalt and it soon coated the whole deck. Blood splattered on my face and I turned to see one of the lissers beheading one of the crew men. It was willy. Crimson blood mixed in with the cobalt and my intestines squeezed in disgust. Corey was long gone from my side as were the others, scattered around and fighting lissers.

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