Chapter Six

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Once the bus finally reached Hinata's house, they both got down. Kageyama carried Hinata's bag into his door and rang the doorbell.

"Oh Hinata! Hi darling. And hello Kageyama it's lovely to meet you." Hinata's mother said tenderly.

Kageyama immediately blushed. Hinata had talked to his mother about him and that made him feel a little embarrassed, but not in a bad way.

"Hello ma'am, it's nice to meet you too, me and your son are teammates."

"Mom! Stop, it's not the time for small talk, ugh..."

"Hinata! Are you alright?"

"I had a little accident."

"I hope it's nothing serious but he was grunting all the time." Kageyama said.

"Oh honey, don't worry I'll take care of him. Thank you for bringing his stuff. You should come and visit us sometime okay?"

"Oh um, sure. I'll be going now and Hinata-"


"Take care, I'll text you when I get home."

"Y-yeah, bye!"

As Kageyama got back into the bus, Hinata stayed by the door and watched him leave.

"You're friends aren't you?" Hinata's mom asked.

"I don't know mum, it's complicated."

"Oh come on Hinata, don't tell me you're still thinking of what happened in junior high. Look baby, he's a good kid. I could tell by the way he was worried about you today. Try to get a bit closer with him, hm?"

"Alright mom." Hinata gave it a second thought.

"Now let's get inside, I want to see if your little accident is serious."

"Fine." Hinata rolled his eyes at her.

It looked like Hinata did break one of his ribs. Thankfully he would recover fast after resting for a month. But Hinata hated the fact that he had to stay on his bed the whole time. He read a few comics, texted his friends and his teammates, but still, he was really bored.

To Hinata's surprise, Kageyama didn't text him. But not because he didn't want to. He accidentally dropped his phone on the toilet and he had to gather money to buy a new one. Since he lived alone, he felt bad about spending his parent's money so he worked part time at Ukai's kiosk for the past month.

Once Hinata had finally recovered, he tried to work on his receives and spikes but he didn't make any progress. Kageyama had helped him a lot with his spikes and they kept improving their quick attack. Daichi told the team that their temporary coach, Takeda sensei, had arranged a practice match with Aoba Johsai next week. So Hinata knew that he had to get stronger, even thought if it was just a practice match. After their practice ended, he approached Kageyama.

"Hey Kageyama."


"You know, I wanna practice more." Hinata dropped a hint but Kageyama didn't take it.

"Well just do it." Kageyama shrugged his shoulders and kept pouncing the ball on the floor.

"It's just, I need to practice with you. I think our quicks need a bit more improvement." Hinata finally said straightforwardly.

"I don't know. I'm really busy this week."

"That's fine man. I'm just gonna practice alone." Hinata smiled and gave Kageyama an awkward thumbs up.

Truth is that he was a bit sad about it. And mad at the same time but on the other hand it wasn't that he relied entirely on Kageyama so he decided to practice by himself. After he finished his classes, Hinata headed home with his bicycle. He kept thinking that he didn't want to lose again, like in junior high.

But Hinata got overwhelmed by his thoughts and a car almost ran over him.

"Watch where you going kid!" the angry driver yelled at Hinata.

"Sorry sir!" Hinata bowed his head and quickly drove to his house.

After a couple of moments Hinata reached home, jumped into his bed and left out a big sigh. It would be his first match after junior high and he wanted to be able to win. But he couldn't do it without Kageyama. So he sat and stared at the glowing star stickers his mom had placed in his ceiling when he was little. And then Hinata got an idea, he grabbed his phone and texted him.

"Hey Sugawara-san, are you busy this afternoon?"

"Hi Hinata, no I'm not. What are up to?"

"Well Kageyama said he was busy so I wanted you to come to my place so we could practice some quick attacks. Only If you want to."

"It's a pretty nice idea, I'm just not sure if I'll be able to toss you as Kageyama does."

"Don't worry at all. I will hit any ball you toss to me. Be here at 5'."

"Okay, I'll be there."

Hinata got really exited, even if it wasn't the same as Kageyama's at least he would practice some simple spikes. Sugawara was a good setter though so it wasn't gonna be much different. At least that's what he thought so.

"Please one more toss. I'm pretty sure it'll be perfect this time." Hinata begged.

"Hinata, it's no use. I'm not as good as Kageyama." Sugawara panted, not being able to match Hinata's stamina.

"But if you tried to do just one-"

"I'm sorry Hinata but no." Sugawara interrupted him. "Look, I don't mind Kageyama being the main setter on our games. Besides I'm too old now, hehe."

"I won't insist, sorry..." Hinata said and looked at the grass awkwardly. "Well, why don't we try to do some regulars. I won't pressure you anymore."

"Yeah, that's better. Thanks." Suga smiled at him.

They both continued with some regular attacks. It was a mistake that Hinata tried to compare Sugawara with Kageyama. It didn't matter that they weren't the same. In the end, they even had a nice time practicing together. After they finished, they sat on the grass.

"Hinata darling, do you and Suga want some cranberry juice?" Hinata's mom shouted from the kitchen window.

"Yeah mom. Thanks!" Hinata shouted back.

"So tell me, what's your relationship with Kageyama? You two have great chemistry."

"He's a great morron sometimes, but yeah, I think we cooperate well in the court." Hinata agreed.

"No, I mean outside of the court. Are you two friends?"

"I don't know what to say. Guess we haven't tried to get closer that's all."

"You should, after all what kind of teammates are you if you're not having a good relationship? You should invite him over to practice together when he has some spare time." Suga suggested and patted Hinata on his back.

"Okay I guess." Hinata shrugged.

"Me and Daichi have a special relationship. I wouldn't trade it for anything. We're like best friends." Sugawara blushed and looked away to hide it.

"That's really nice."

"Get closer with Kageyama. You won't regret it. It'll also definitely improve your technique."

Hinata wasn't sure about that because he still saw him more of an opponent rather than a friend. But it was indeed a good opportunity and he started considering it.

"Anyway, it's getting late and I should get going. It's dad's turn to cook dinner tonight and I can't miss it. See you tomorrow at practice."

"Goodnight Suga!"

Hinata didn't know what to think about it. Besides it's not that Kageyama wanted to be friends or something. Right? But since Suga said that it would help to improve their performance at the court, Hinata decided to ask him tomorrow at practice.

He set his clock at 7am and he fell asleep. It was a long day after all...

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