Chapter Seven

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Kageyama hated waking up early, but since it was Friday, he was very happy. He went for a shower and got lost in his thoughts. He regretted saying no to Hinata about coming to his house for practice since he really wanted to go. Kageyama didn't know why he refused. Surely Hinata's suggestion was a bit sudden. After all, Kageyama wasn't used to socialising at all.

A few moments later Kageyama came out of the shower, he patted dry his body with a towel and wore his uniform to go to school.

Kageyama walked to class and sat on his seat. Their first lesson was chemistry and everyone were at their seats except one person. After a few minutes that one person knocked at the door.

"Hinata Shoyo, late again." The teacher mumbled and kept on bumping the board loudly with his piece of chalk without looking away at Hinata's direction.

"I'm so sorry sir, It won't happen again." Hinata sighed.

The class was whispering and laughing slightly.

"Quiet kids! Well as about you, since it did happen again for the third time this month, you will stay today after class to do the cleaning. Today was Tobio's turn but since you're late you're going to take his place. Am I clear Shoyo?"

"Yes sir."

Hinata was in the same class as Kageyama and he got detention. Then suddenly Kageyama raised his hand.

"Excuse me sir?" Kageyama said hesitantly.

"What is it Tobio?"

"Since it was my turn today to do the cleaning, I would like to stay after class and help Hinata."

Suddenly the whole class started mocking Kageyama, making 'oohs' and kissing sounds. Then, the teacher banged the desk with his hand and looked at them in disappointment.

"Silence! You could all learn a thing or two from Kageyama's behaviour. If I witness any more mocking, you will all deal with our dear principal later, understood?" The teacher said and all the kids stood still in silence. Then he turned to Kageyama and with a smile he praised him.
"That's very polite of you Tobio. Very well, both of you will stay after class." the teacher agreed.

Hinata looked at Kageyama with a questioning expression drawn on his face. Kageyama didn't blame him, since he didn't know what he was doing either. The lesson ended quickly and everyone left the class. Kageyama got a broom and started cleaning. In order to break the silence, he decided to apologise to Hinata about earlier.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I should've known better than speaking in front of the whole class."

"It's fine, I don't mind them, they're idiots." Hinata wiped the blackboard. "But really, Kageyama, why did you stay too?"

The question caught Kageyama off guard and since he didn't know the answer he thought of an excuse.

"Hey, don't think anything funny! I only did it in order to finish quickly and go to practice. You would be too slow by yourself." Kageyama blushed.

"Stop underestimating me dumbass! I bet I can clean all the desks before you clean up the windows."

"It's on shortie." Kageyama grined.

They both grabbed a towel and some detergent spray and they started cleaning. Hinata was extremely fast, he was running in between the desks, while Kageyama was still on the second window. He was breathing heavily.

"Ha...Ha...I'm done! You...You lost!" Hinata said, almost passing out of tiredness.

"You look like you're gonna pass out stupid! Sit somewhere."

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