Chapter Three

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= Camilla =

I pulled into the driveway of my house. It was only five in the afternoon, so I had time to help prep with my mom. That is, if, we still had the dinner party. Thankfully, this dinner party would only be between the Royals and us. Cause if there were any more guests besides them, my dad would be six feet under.

The smell of my mother's famous beef stew and a side of baguettes wafted into my senses. Baked salmon and asparagus with multiple spices that I couldn't fully name. The smell of a custard fruit tart sent a tingling sensation down my spine. My favorite dessert made by my mom. Yum.

My mother's face popped out from the kitchen archway. "Welcome home honey. How was school?"

I shrugged. "Not bad. It was like any other day. Where's dad?"

She pursed her lips and her eyebrows furrowed to the middle in anger. "Speaking to our guests on the phone. They're talking about the business that he had mentioned." I watched as she angrily chopped up the strawberries for the tart.

Poor strawberries.

"Oh. And what business is that?" I asked curiously.

Her shoulders tensed before she answered something that I could barely hear. "Just, business stuff. Some business and royalty stuff. Anyway, can you help me with prepping the table for me, please? The nice ones tonight, please." I nodded as I went over to the cabinets to grab the white porcelain plates that curved up slightly. Knives, forks, spoons, and a flute wine glass that will be used for the beverage options: red wine or sparkling peach cider.

I placed them all on the table and set them out neatly. Once I finished, I checked the table setting from one end of the table with satisfaction. I went back into the kitchen and glanced at my mom who was stirring the beef stew.

"I'm done mom."

She glanced back at me before telling me to get ready and to wear something nice. Before I could leave, she told me to make sure to wear what she put onto my bed. 

I went up into my bedroom and dropped my bag onto the floor before gazing at the outfit she chose for me. It was a simple pale blue dress with floral laced sleeves that ended at my elbow. A silver bangle bracelet and white flats with crossing ankle straps. The things I didn't enjoy wearing. Dresses. I shudder. I picked up the small jewelry box and opened it. I gasped at the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen before. It was a thin silver chain with an oval-shaped locket with a beautiful crest with vines wrapping around a sword.

"It was a gift from your grandfather." I turned to see my mother standing there, leaning against my doorframe. "He sent it over for your birthday next month, but he wanted to give it to you now since he got impatient. You know how excited he gets with presents. He can't seem to hold onto it for too long." She chuckled.

I smiled from the memories of our past Christmas and birthday celebrations. Every time my grandfather bought something for someone too early, he would always give it to them before the actual date of the celebration. The longest he had ever waited was four days.

Mom left my room to let me get ready. I glance at the clock to see that I had about an hour and a half to get ready. Taking a quick shower and drying off, I curled my hair and threw on the outfit that was on my bed. Glancing in the mirror, I applied a bit of makeup; mascara and strawberry lipgloss. Giving myself one last look I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs.

"Milla! Come down and welcome our guests," my father called.

I quickly ran down the stairs, careful not to trip. Thank goodness my mom didn't give me heels. I glanced up to see three figures beside my parents. A familiar man and woman in formal attire. The man, Xander Royal, had dark brown hair styled back with gel, and his black suit looked so neat without any wrinkles. The woman, Diana Royal, wore a purple dress that went to the middle of her shins, and a thin white belt that wrapped around her thin waist. Her blonde hair curled up into a neat bun with a few strands framing her petite face. They do look like true royalty.

"Good evening, your highnesses," I said with a slight bow.

Mr. Royal chuckled. "Please, Camilla. Just call Diana and I by our first names. We've known you since you were born. We're like family." I heard a scoff from behind him, making both Royals turn to look behind them with stern faces.

"You must remember my son, Blake. You used to play with him when you were kids." Mrs- I mean, Diana said.

Xander pulled Blake in front of him and my heart skipped a beat. He looks... manlier from the last time I saw him. Of course, I mean, it has been twelve years since I last saw him. We was just a boy. Now, he changed into a man. His dark brown hair looked just like his father's, but was a bit of a lighter shade and looked a lot softer. His green eyes seemed like a darker forest green than before. Dimmer. It didn't sparkle as much as before for some reason. He was sculpted into a handsome man. The most beautiful of all.

"H-hi Blake." I waved shyly. Woah. Where did that come from? Is my face red? Is it hot in here or is it just me?

"Evening." He said forcefully. The tension seemed so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

"Oh dear, why are standing like this in the corridor? Come, come. This way to the dining room, please. I made everyone's favorites. I hope it didn't change from before." My mom said cheerfully, breaking the tension.

Thanks mom.

"Of course it didn't change. No one would ever forget how wonderful your salmon is," Diana said. Both women went over to the dining room, the men following behind their wives as they became acquainted once again. Blake and I were left in front of the entrance. Awkwardly, I cleared my throat.



I jumped as he pushed past me, sparks erupting as his shoulder bumped past mine. I yelped as I stumbled back a bit and almost fell before warm and strong arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see shocked green eyes staring back into my boring brown. I thanked him as I righted myself onto my feet. He immediately let go as if I burned him, and walked off to the dining room, leaving me there feeling cold without his embrace.

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