Chapter Eight

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= Camilla =

It felt like ages since Blake left me alone in the library. I've been sitting there on the ground, numb, from what had happened. Was I really that much of a nuisance to him? Was I to blame for becoming a wedge in their relationship?


It's not entirely my fault for marrying him.

Isn't it?

I sighed as I slowly stood up, my legs numb from sitting for so long. I gripped the bookshelf, keeping from embarrassingly falling on my face. Then, my cell phone rang. The screen blinking with Ali's name.


"Hey girl! Wanna head over to Zara's Cafe with Eve and I? Heard they're giving out free donuts," she cheerfully said.

"Uh... I don't think I can. I'm kinda-"

"Oh, I know. Eve and I just found out about you getting married to --- oh I don't know --- The PRINCE OF JADE KINGDOM! Woman, I nearly peed my pants once I saw that on the news a couple weeks ago! How come you didn't say anything bef --- wait, never mind. Now I know why. He's the prince, of course you would-"

"Okay, how about this? I'll meet you guys there in fifteen minutes and then I'll explain everything? Sound good?"

I heard her sigh over the phone. "Okay. Yeah. We'll meet you there. And hurry, or else the donuts would run out."

Next thing you know, I heard beeping sounds, indicating that she hung up. Well. Let's get this thing over with.


"Cammie! Over here!

I finally spotted Eve and Ali in the corner booth of the cafe. The windows showing a clear view of the outside of the diner with its busy streets and traffic.

"Hey guys," I said to them as I sat down across from them.

"Sup, we got you a chocolate custard donut. The last one too," Eve said as she pushed to donut my way. Even though this is one of my favorite donuts from here, I didn't feel like eating. But not to be rude, I picked up the donut and began to nibble on it. They both must have noticed this because they shared a glance and worriedly looked back at me.

"You okay Cam?" Eve asked.

I continued to stare at the donut in my hands, the chocolate slowly beginning to melt from my body heat.

"Of course I am. Why? Do I look flushed or something?" I put my donut down and begin to exaggerate by putting the back of my hand against my forehead. They didn't laugh or smile.

"Don't lie to us Millie. What's wrong?" Ali and Eve began to put their own pastries down. I sighed, knowing that they aren't going to let it go.




I shushed them as they screamed at me, causing the other customers to glare at us from afar.

"You not only married one of the most handsome men in the world, but he also is in love with another?-"

"And he called you a whore?!" Eve finished. "That's it! I'm going after him and going to cut off his-"

"No Eve. Leave it be. I don't want my only best friends to become murderers and only getting to visit you once in a while with glass in between us," I said. "And besides, you can't hurt a prince. It's worse than death!" I exclaimed.

"Who the frick cares Camilla? He's hurting you!" Ali claims.

That, I cannot argue against. It's true that he's emotionally and mentally hurting me. But is he completely wrong? I mean, I technically kind of ruined his future with the girl Viv. Eve and Ali must've noticed my sudden change in demeanor, cause they spoke up.

"Hey, if you need anything, you do know that you can ask us, right?" Ali said, her face soft.

"I know. I know because we're besties. Right?"

They smiled.

"Of course we are Mills. Forever and always," they both exclaimed as they stood up from their seats and did a group hug. I smiled genuinely.

It's so warm


I huffed as I got to the top of the staircase.

I hate stairs so much! Why do they have so many flights in here? Am I walking up to heaven or something?

My calves and thighs burned as I looked up at the next flight. My room was on the third floor, and I cried every time I took the stairs.

How come there isn't an elevator around here?

"Looks like stairs are your worst enemies, huh?"

I yelped as I turned to see a familiar pair of striking, emerald green eyes.

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