Chapter Eleven

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= Camilla =

Okay. I did say that I planned on becoming friends with Blake.

However, becoming friends with Blake was much harder than I thought. How can I even strike up a conversation with him when I can't find out where he is? I looked in the library, the garden, kitchen, and the game room. But I can't find him! Unless he left or is in the-


I turned my head towards the door of the training room in shock.

What the heck was that?

I crept towards the double doors as the booming continued to echo within the room. Slowly turning the doorknob, I peeked in to see the one I was looking for for the past hour. Blake had a pair of loose sweatpants on that hung low on his hips. His olive-colored skin was covered in a thin line of sweat that slowly dripped down his torso as he punched the punching bag hanging from the ceiling. I swear I was drooling until-

"What the fuck do you want?"

I jumped from Blake's booming voice that seemed to have echoed through the entrance.

"I, uh. Was looking for you... to ask you something"

He groaned in annoyance. "Well? Say it or get out. I'm busy," he grumbles.

I opened the door wider and walked in. The light from the open windows had made his skin seem to glow in the room. His eyes dark as he watched me walk towards him. My body ignited with heat as he assessed my body, looking at me from head to toe with his burning eyes full of... lust? I wore a white dress that reached up to my shins, the spaghetti straps showing my chubby arms. The waistline hugged my chunky hips, and my bare legs (which I regret for I forgot to shave).

"I was wondering, that instead of acting like strangers, that we could possibly-"

"Be more?" He stated, brows furrowing.

"Well, kinda. But not in the way that you think. I was wondering if we could be-"


"What? Oh heck no! That's not what I meant! I meant that we-"

"Become strangers-with-benefits?"

"Can you please shut up and let me speak? Gosh, does everything have to be about your dick all the time?"

The corner of his lips twitched in amusement. What? He's amused from my frustration? What a jerk!

"Okay, as I was saying, I was going to ask if we could be... friends."

He cocked his brow. "Friends?"

I nodded.

He then proceeded to take off his wraps from the punching bag. "Okay. Let's say if I did agree to your proposition, how can we act like friends despite our marriage?" He said, emphasizing the word marriage with disgust. "And besides, we never acted all lovey-dovey towards one another both in or out of this house."

"We could get to know each other. As friends of course," I offered.

He crossed his arms over his chest, making his chest and biceps bulge. Stop it Camilla! Get your head out of the gutter!

"Fine. But I have one condition."

I looked up at him in curiosity.

"We absolutely cannot fall in love with each other."

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