Talk to me

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I was waiting still for a few minutes hoping she would go away. She was still there saying something. "talk to me, I know your up there, come down." I said nothing and moved no where. Then came the Hispanic voice from the apartment. " jezreel in the house now!"
I heard her scurry off.

I finally let out a deep breath. " that was way to close, be careful next time," I thought to myself. I slowly moved toward the place I climb up and down. I wanted to explore this place a bit more. Once I made my way down I walked around the back of the buildings. I saw water, it was a decent size lake. I approached the water it was dirty. "Jesus can they not take care of anything." I picked up a stick and started fishing out old cups and papers carelessly thrown in. Then I heard voices fast approaching.

Stupidly, I jumped into the water and submerged myself under. The water was just clear enough for me to see out. It was the girl and a couple of boys and two to the girls. They were going to what appeared to be a ditch. Once I was clear to come out I resurfaced and slowly followed them making sure I kept my distance.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying only that she was in trouble. I watched cautiously from a tree right above them. Next thing I saw was the girl being knocked to the ground. I waited being hesitant on what I should do. Then they all started kicking her that's when something inside me flared and I vaulted from the tree landing in front of the girl. I flipped up my hood and took out my blade. It was an easy challenge, they were weak.

Once I was done, the girl started to focus from being hurt. I turned slightly to look at her, she was trying to say something. I thought it was best that I left so I did. I waited on a near by roof to watch if she would come out. She did 5 minutes later. I whistled to check if she was ok. She looked dead up at me " talk to me jezreel," I said. She didn't hear me so I jumped to the other side of the roof. Then I faintly heard "thank you."

(Talk to me jezreel)

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