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A/n. Separation issues so hopefully this helps out

After analyzing her, body, mannerisms for the time she was in my view. I noticed she seemed angry, not showing it but she was angry. why? Anyways she went inside her apartment, I sat on the roof for hours. "Jesus this is boring." I began to descend when I heard her apartment door open. I scrambled back up muttering profanity as i did. I peered over the edge seeing her run out. "Not very fast are you kid." I muttered to myself.

I cautiously crept down the side of the wall hitting the ground with a thud. Then I heard shuffling, then of course comes running this girl. I shift my weight and stumble into a bush cutting my leg on a stick. "fucking twat," I said in pain. This kid is getting on my nerves, she stopped right in front of the bush I was in. She didn't seem as girly as a thought she was carrying a fairly large stick. almost bigger then she was. I think she was mumbling something to herself then I felt something wet, I had cut my fucking leg open on the stick. pissed off I decided to shift. her head flicked up in my direction, I froze. she began walking towards me I took out my knife about to attack when a Hispanic voice came from her apartment. "cha chi!" Screamed the voice. she grunted then rolled her eyes. "what ma" she said. " get your ass up here now!" She grunted once more then proceeded to her apartment.

" Fucking asshole," I whispered quietly pulling the stick out of my leg. I got up as best I could walking to the wall that I use to climb the roof. I hope I didn't leave a trail of blood, didn't check. I climbed the wall and sat on the roof doing my best to fix my leg.

The apartment door opened once more my legs were hanging off the side. I didn't notice anyone come out so I just stayed there trying to fix myself. I was wrong out comes the girl walking. she looks straight up and I roll back landing hard on the roof hitting my head. "Fuck!" I groaned louder then I should have. I heard a small giggle then up comes a rock and it hits me square in my forehead "what the fuck ?!" I said picking up the rock and throwing it straight down.

I heard a voice "who did that?" I got very quite and didn't move

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