7th grade

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So it's seventh grade and I hate fucking Kate Bond middle school. It's one of those schools where you can tell that it's going to turn to shit fairly quickly and it's only been open for two years.

Anyways I was making my way to my home room which is science (for the record I hate science I'm bloody terrible at it). It was easy to find it was the first one on the left when you enter the hall way, upstairs. I walk in and look around I saw Peyton and nodded at him, I met him in "first grade" apparently. Then I looked up to see the kid staring at me towards the back of the room by the teachers desk. I made my way over since she considered me as a friend. She was sitting with another girl named Aubrey Fox. I guess you could say we were all instantly the main three I guess.

We didn't have a proper teacher and had a substitute for most of the first semester. Which made us three even more closer.

Me and the kid had all classes together except for exploratory she chose choir and since I was required to stay close to her I choose band (horrendous mistake) I hated that bullshit it was boring but according to that cunt Ms. Coy I was very good. I was first chair trumpet by the end of first semester.

We soon got acquainted to our other teachers me and the kid sat next to each other in every class.

Then finally we got a real science teacher her name was Ms. Webb. She introduced herself and I could already tell she was mentally unstable. She informed us that she was getting married I couldn't help my self but giggle and the kid heard and did the same. I couldn't stop myself she looked like she got kicked in the face by a horse which made her neck fold back.

Ms. Webb finally got married and her name was changed to Mrs. Owens. During this time she had grown to hate me, the kid, and Aubrey. She moved us to the computers by the door which was a big mistake we continuously played games on the computer mostly forest temple. We had made up nicknames for each other the kid's was Jiffy (Cesar leyva made it up in teen living because of peanut butter) mine was savage... of course and finally Aubrey's was Reese.

Something wasn't right "jiffy" would commonly stare at me I acted like I didn't notice but I couldn't quite figure out why she was I would soon find out the next semester.

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