Chapter 15

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Yu-jin's POV

5:30 A.M

I woke hugging my dreams haha I'm so cheesy but still, nayeon is my dream that I hope will be mine soon...I then kiss her forehead and do my morning routine and go to the gym in the house

3rd person POV - 6:15 AM

The girls is starting to wake up one by one also kyann when they arrive in the dining room they saw Mr. Wilson preparing the dining table for them...

Oh? Hi there girls, kyann please sit up now I'm almost done...' he then go back to the kitchen and put the foods on the table when one of the girls spotted that there is missing

Hey guys did you see yu-jin?" Nayeon asked, some of them has a smirk plastered on their faces

Huh? It's supposed to be you who know where is she, you sleep in the same room right" IU stated

Yeah I know but when I woke up she's not with me anymore" nayeon replied

Ow I think where is-" kyann was cutted when yu-jin arrive sweating hard

Good morning ever--" yu-jin was cutted cuz kyann throw a spoon on her and bcuz of fast reflexes she catch it with her hand

Hoy ano problema mo ha"(what's your problem) yu-jin asked annoyed by him early in the morning

Bat di moko ginising ha!"(why didn't you wake me up) replied also annoyed

Kung gusto mo palng sumama dapat ginising mo yung sarili mo atsaka dikarin nag sabi na gusto mong sumama"(if you wanted to go with me why didn't you wake up by yourself and you didn't even said you wanted to come with me) yu-jin said while glaring at him and kyann is glaring back at her

Hey you two enough with the play, respect the food infront of you and yu-jin here's a towel..."Mr. Wilson said and give yu-jin a towel and kyann and her burst out laughing the girls just looked at them dumbfounded and yu-jin put a towel on her chair before seating on her chair

Thanks Mr. Wilson.." and kyann said under his breath 'cleanfreak' "hey you bitch I just don't the chair to get dirty and the maids will have a hard time removing the dirt cuz the chair is hard to clean so shut up and eat".....then they eat peacefully

By the way girls what do you wanna do today?" Yu-jin asked

How about we go to the beach now" Jennie stated

Ok that's good but do all of you argee?" I ask and they just nod

O-okay then ready your things we will go to the beach at 8 understood?" Ne!!

So.. Mr. Wilson just call the resort that I will use it and you can go home already, have some rest" I said

Ok...thanks by the way yu-jin" your welcome sir" then we all get ready...


Yu-jin is waiting for them in the living room and kyann is the first one to come down

Hey... where resort are we going?" Kyann asked

Ours..."yu-jin replied

So any plans about nayeon?"

I don't know man...I just feel that she only look at me like how she look at her friends*sigh* but I'm not giving up now I'm just starting, I'm gonna make sure she'll fall for me..."yu-jin said smiling a little

Kyann was speechless he want to tell her about nayeon being courted... "You can do it Jin, just believe in yourself.. god I dunno what nayeon didn't see in you if she will reject you almost all girls are drooling on you, and you always have my shoulder to cry on if things didn't go as planned...I'm here always here for you man.." kyann stated smiling widely at yu-jin

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