Part : 6

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Taehyung's pov :

Thank god , it's his room. I knocked and went inside. "Hey it's you"  "Hii"  "Come sit here" i went and sat at the edge of his bed. "You want something? Tea , coffee , water ?"  He asks politely "Noo i'm good"
"Oh okay , so it is okay if we study on the bed. I am not too comfortable on the study tablehe says "Yeah sure , no problem" . Jungkook takes his books and sit on the bed , i scoot a little closer to him.

While he is opening some pages i speak out of curiousity "So umm... Who was he ?"  He gave me a confused look so i speak again "Downstairs"  "Oh you mean hoseok , he's my elder brother" he says.  "Your parents?"  "They moved to USA for their company and we both love staying here so"  "oh okay , ahem.. Let's get to our lessons" i say to not ask more questions coz obviously i was getting nervous.

Jungkook's pov :

We both started studying , he was explaining stuff and i was actually understanding . His ways were much easier . My phone was on the other side of Taehyung so i stretched myself for taking my phone , my face near his face. He got nervous , i just chuckled and took my phone . "I need to take pictures of your notes" i said "You don't have to , you can keep the notes"  "Sure?"  "Yeah i already have them" he said . "How can you study so much ?"  I ask him " Believe me , i have no intrest in studying . It's like , c'mon let's study "  "What?" I asked confused "It's weird" he said showing off his boxy smile and i melted , i mean dude his smile !

"You are cute"

Taehyung's pov :

I was writing some notes again after the little conversation , suddenly he says "You are cute" i look up at him , a nervous look on my face "W-what?" I say while stuttering /in mind , stop stuttering/ .
"I said you are cute" he says it again , making me blush. I look down to hide my blushing face "Thank y-you" he chuckles
"Aww" he mumbles but clear enough for me to hear.

It was already 7pm and i look at Jungkook , yawning. "Jungkook we can stop for today"  "Noo noo it's okay"  "It's already been 3hrs , i guess it's enoughi say and he sighs "Okay" he says as he falls back on the bed "I guess i should go" he gets up . I was gonna get up but he speaks "Taehyungie"

"Yea?" I ask softly "You know you can stay , i will drop you later"  "Noo , it's okayhe pouts like a baby , fiddling with his fingers . Gosh , such a baby. "Okay , how about this . I'll tell my dad to pick me up on his way back?"  "Really , so u'll stay ?"  He asks excitedly , i just smile and nod . "Okay , so what do you wanna do ? Wanna play or watch something ? " he asks while keeping all the books aside. "Let's watch something" he gets comfortable in his bed while i just sit there , he looks at me "C'mon taehyungie , you can get comfortable "  "Okay okaywe both are half laying beside each other our heads touching the bed board , and yeah it's cool.

"Do you like lion king?" I ask him . "Oh i love lion king , wanna watch?"  "Yess!!!" he chuckles and starts the movie .

Jungkook's pov:

We both start watching the movie and i dim the lights , just the yellow light it feels nice . After some time i look at Taehyung , i see him covered the blanket till his neck , cuddling to himself . He looks like a baby right now . I smile . "Tae?" I have never really called him by his nickname tho . "Yes?" He replies in a babyish voice still looking at the screen . "Are you cold ? Want me to turn off the AC?"  "Noo i like staying in the blanket like this"  "Okayy"   .

It was 9pm already and the movie ended too. "It was so good" he says as i nod.
"Tae?"  "Hmm?"  "Umm...Would you like to go out with me tomorrow?"  He thinks for a min /pls say yes pls say yes/ . "Okay sure"  "Yaay , i'll pick you up at 2pm tomorrow"  "2pm? Where will we go at 2 pm"  "You'll see"  "C'mon tell me nowhe pouts "Okay , do you like amusement parks ?"  "Wait , really???" He asks in excitement "Yess!"  "Ofcourse i love it" i smile , seeing him so excited .

We both chat for awhile , but then he gets a call . "Who was it?"  "It was my dad , he's here. I should go now"  "Okay , i'll show you to the door. We both go down to the door "Well then...goodnighti say "Goodnight see you tomorrow"  "Text me after reaching home"  "Okay" .
We both smile , then he goes to his car and drives off.

Today was adorable!

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