chapter 7

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I went into the house and the first thing I did was take a shower and got dressed in dark color semi skinny jeans, white and black Jordan sneakers a white tight fitted V-neck and my black leather jacket with my white and black snap back.

I brushed my teeth and spiked my hair up to where it all was point up to the celling. When I was satisfied with my look, I left the bathroom and grabbed my bag I brought yesterday full of my dirty clothes now. I walked into the living room and saw my mate on the edge of sleeping in Eric’s arms. As much as I dint like that sight I kept my ground and picked her up.

She rubbed her eyes and laid her head onto my shoulder. “Thanks for watching her for me.” Eric stood up and knobbed his head. “No problem anything for you.” He walked past me and left to another room I am guessing. About 3 seconds later he came back with car keys in his hand. “Your father had someone bring you your car seeing the fact you didn’t take it with you last night. And he bought Lilly a boaster seat as well, you can thank me for that one.”

I smiled at that and thanked him. I walked out to my black Lamborghini and opened the door. When I looked inside, I saw there was a pink Barbie boaster seat in the middle of the seat in the back. I placed her in her seat and buckled her up. After I had her buckled I started the engine. I laughed to myself. A car seat in this fancy car would have my friends back in school laughing.

“Where we going J?” My mate asks from the back seat of the care. I liked that new name she had for me. She had a very girly little girl’s voice so it made it sound even cutie.

“Where going to my house Lilly, its time you met my parents.”

“What if they don’t like me?” Just by the sound of her voice, I could hear the frown forming on her face. I stopped the car in the middle of the street not caring id people were beeping at more or cursing under their breaths. “Don’t ever think that Lilly, they will love you and you know how I know?”

She shook her head making her lose ends of her pony tail bounce around her. “Because I like you.” She smiled and placed her hands on to my cheek. I put my hand over hers and loved the fleeing of her soft skin against mine. I also loved the tiny shocks I get when our skin come into contact.

The sound of angry people and beeping cars broung me back to earth. I pulled away from her and began driving all the way home. I parked my car in the front and unbuckled Lilly and got out the car. I was holding her hand and we were both walking to the front door. I unlocked it with my keys and entered my home that smelled of all different type of foods.

I picked Lilly up in my arms and made my way to the kitchen to find my beautiful mother cleaning out strawberries.  “Good morning mother.” She jumped up from being startled.  She came up to me and gave me a big kiss on the cheeks. “How is my favorite son doing?” I rolled my eyes but kissed her back on the cheeks to be polite.

“And is this your mate?” Her gaze left mine quickly and went to my mates. She held out her hands to hold her but yea, knowing me I hesitated and didn’t let her go. “Jacen, if you don’t let me hold your mate for just a second nothing is going to happen.” I slowly handed her my mate and she carried her.

“Wow, you’re a pretty thing. You’re so beautiful, you remind me of me of when I was just a little girl like you. What’s your name?” Lilly smiled and looked into my mother’s eyes. “Lillyana, I am 6 years old.” She held out 6 fingers in front of her.

My mother looked at me and had a big bright smile on her face. “My name is Sin Lillyana. She is so adorable Jacen.” I was about to comment on that but my twin sister came and gave me a big juicy hug. “Hay big brother, where were you yesterday, was you with April?”

“No didn’t father tell you, I found my mate yesterday.” Her face went to happiness. “That’s great Jacen, where is she, I would love to meet her.” Instead of answering I pointed with my head to my mate that was still in moms arms giggling. Her gaze followed the direction I was pointing at and her faced went into Awl.

**Lillyana Lime POV**

 ““Wow, you’re a pretty thing. You’re so beautiful, you remind me of me of when I was just a little girl like you. What’s your name?” I smiled and looked into the beautiful women’s eyes. “Lillyana, I am 6 years old.” I held out 6 fingers in front of her.

She smiled and started to touch my hair. “You surely have some hair on you.” I wrapped my hands around her neck but still left some distance between us. “My mommy says that when I was born, I was born with a full set of hair and the she-she always had heart burns.” It seemed everything I had to say the women would always get entertained by my voice.

I turn my head to look at Jacen, he was with a tall girl. She was so pretty. She had long toned legs and short length curled dark brown hair. She also looked a lot like him. I wanted to be held in Jacen’s hands every time I am with him I feel safe and protected.

When I was going to call him, the girl looked at me with so much adoration and looked like she was going to kiss me all over. I smiled at the thought of that. She came walking to me and placed both of her hands onto my face. “You are just the cutest little girl I have seen. What’s your name?” I widen my eyes and told her my name. It seemed like every little thing I did made people in awl.

I looked at Jacen and he was smiling bright at me. He stalked towards me and snatched me out of his mother’s hands. I went into his arms not ignoring the tiny shocks I feel that always happens when our skin touches. He held me tightly and sat me down on a chair next to the chair he was sitting on.

His mother placed a plate full of eggs, bacon, sausages, hash brown and 2 pancakes. I widened my eyes at the amount of food that was in front of me. “This looks delicious.” I began to dig in my food and eat it all up probably leaving some crumbles left. By the time we were done eating I was in the arms of Jacen and saying good bye to his mother and sister.

We left the kitchen and went into another room that looked much like a library then a room. I rested my head onto his shoulder. We walked up to a very big older man that also looked a lot like Jacen. They shock ands and I didn’t look away from the man that was looking at me.

“Why, you must be the girl that everyone is talking about.” He crossed his arms and looked up at Jacen. “She sure is cute soon.” He looked back at me and smiled. “My name is Robert, but you can call me Rob which ever you prefer.” I smiled, “I like Rob”

He chuckled and Jacen held me a little bit tighter and let out a low growl. I looked up at him and his eyes were almost black and his teeth grew a little longer. It didn’t scare me that he looked like this but it sure didn’t make me feel good that he started to look like he was going to kill someone.

Rob went to him and placed his hand on Jacens shoulder. HE smirked, “Son, you don’t have to worry about me taking your mate, if you haven’t noticed I have one of my own.” That statement made Jacen seem to calm down a little and he then loosens his hold on me. “Sorry father, it’s just I am so protective of her.”

“I am in total understanding, but I have to go, I have a meeting with Eric’s father in a while.” He knobbed his head and Jacen lead us outside. When I was safely in my boaster seat and buckled up that’s when Jacen started the engine and drove away.

“Are we going back to my house Jacen?” He looked into his rearview mirror and smiled at me.

“No, I have to go to my school to fill out some papers.” I laid back in my seat and looked up out the window.

“I go to a school to Jacen, I love school the teachers are nice and sweet.”

That’s how the conversation went all the way until we reached a big school that looked like it would be a maze if you went inside. Jacen parked the car and helped me out. I was on my two feet walking holding Jacen hand when a girl stepped in front of us. She looked so pretty and familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“I see your baby sitting today.” She spoke without lifting her eyes from me.

Jacen picked me up and held to me tightly. “April, I don’t have time for this.”  Now I remember she was the girl that made me cry on my birthday.

***vote and comment…sorry if it was corny but I promise to write a better chapter next time!!**

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