Chapter 6

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*That asshole!

Jazz thought as she escorted him to the door. After seeing Mr. Anthony get into the elevator, Jazz sagged into her seat behind her desk. 

She was a little embarrassed letting her boss know what type of book she was reading because she's her boss not because she's ashamed of her sexuality. She just hoped her boss didn't think she would come on to her or anything. No, that would be unprofessional and she could lose her job. Jazz loved this job, it paid amazing and she could stare at her beautiful boss all day.

*Also, her schedule wasn't really that busy today, I scheduled her meeting at 10 am.* Looking down at her phone placed on her desk; it was a little after 8 am.

*I should just tell her I will go get her coffee, now.* Getting up and going up to the clouded glass double doors. Knocking softly, Jazz opened the double doors to hear her boss ordering something, probably breakfast.

"No, I have time, I will come to pick it up." Cleo hung up the phone seeing Jazz peek behind the door.

"We will go get breakfast." Grabbing a small plain black bag and pulling her black alligator skin Hermès wallet out of it, Cleo mentioned towards a wall. She went up to the wall, thinking this might be a private elevator. 

Normally, Ms. WuHong would come through the front elevator but today she took her private one. Feeling the heat behind her, she knew Ms. WuHong was there, squeezing her thighs together and reminding herself to get a grip. Jazz took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Cleo towered over her curvy little secretary, taking in her body and fighting the urge to bend her over and punish her for almost being late.

*I would give her 10 hard slaps to that delicious ass and finger-fuck that tight little cunt.*

Instead, she reached over to the hidden silver thumbprint scan by a painting and the charcoal wall slid open to reveal a sleek elevator that had access to her private parking deck. Jazz had a fantasy, right there in the elevator with her boss so close yet far away.

That her boss would shove her against the chrome wall of the elevator, kissing her passionately as Jazz sucked on her tongue. Cleo would reach down and grab her thick thigh bringing it up and stretch her open, pressing her strong soft body against hers. Jazz could almost feel her winding those long fingers in her hair and roughly pull back. Ms. WuHong always had this quiet intensity about her as she pulled Jazz head to the side, kissing and sucking her sensitive hot spot in the area where her neck met her shoulder.

Jazz would undo her top knot, letting her silky brown hair fall to caress her cheek. She could almost feel her fingers getting closer and closer to her dripping wet pussy. The elevator stopped with a soft 'bing' at the private parking garage.

*Come on, Jazz! Get your mind out of the gutter. What is with me today? My sex drive is on high. I'm scared I'm so wet, I can probably leave a wet spot in her car. Get a grip, think of something else! What about that old creepy man? Mr. Howard, always staring at me and licking his lips. He's probably a serial killer. And his apartment is next to mine. Ugh!* Jazz suppressed a shudder of revulsion.

*Yup! That did it.* Feeling herself cool off.

Ms. WuHong led her to her car, which was a limited edition Bugatti Linea Vivere customized with matte black on the front sides of the car and a flowing shiny amethyst covering the bumper and hood of the car. It was truly a masterpiece. Cleo opened the door for Jazz.

She awarded her with a beautiful beaming smile and stated shyly, "Such a gentlewoman, thank you." And got in a car that cost over two million dollars.

"Your welcome, put your seatbelt on." Cleo ordered, walking to the other side of the car.

*What am I? 12?* Jazz bit her tongue as she looked around and touched the inside of the door. *Jeez! Look at this interior and the seat are so comfortable!* Jazz looked around in awe of the black and white craftsmanship.

*This is crazy!* Jazz tried to look nonchalant but was failing as Ms. Hong got into the car. With a smooth growl, the car came to life and Cleo was driving out the parking spot at an almost breakneck speed.

"Oh Goddess! Cleo!..I mean Ms. WuHong, do you have to drive so fast?" Coughing in her fist, to cover up her slip up. Cleo glanced at Jazz in the corner of her eye.

"I love going fast, its why I bought this car and call me Cleo, when we are not at the office." She ordered as she smoothly made a left onto the highway of I-75 and jumped lanes, again at breakneck speed. Easily pushing her Bugatti over 100 miles per hour, Jazz hung onto her seatbelt with a death grip.

Glancing over at Cleo, she instantly felt like she was about cream in her panties, if she would have remembered to put them on. 

Cleo had an actual smile on her face, well more like a smirk instead of the bored like expression on her face she wore all the time. Fire filled those jade eyes and was literally sparkling. She looked so relaxed behind the wheel, her biceps tightening as she tried to jump in front a car but this car wanted to race, revving its engine.

"Hmph! You will never catch up to me." Cleo mumbled under her breath.

"Whaaa...." Jazz started but Cleo put the pedal to the metal and shot like a rocket, whizzing pass cars so fast it looked like a blur. Wonderful thing, Jazz could spot a cop at least a mile away.


  Too late, the cop car took off behind them with its flashing blue and red lights.

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