Chapter 14

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"Ahhh... Ms. WuHong?.. Ahem!" Jazz cleared her throat as she felt her checks warm up as her nipples tightened as heat pooled low. "Professional...we must remain professional." Jazz said, holding on to that word like a lifeline.

"Hmmm yes..Professional." Slightly mocking Jazz as she pulled back.

The car stopped in front of a private plane in an airstrip. Jazz let out a small breath of relief as Cleo got out the car and strode up to the plane. The enormous man with the shiny bald head grabbed the bags out the trunk and followed Ms.WuHong onto the plane. Jazz needed a quick second before getting on.

*How am I going to survive with my dignity if she keeps coming on to me like that, and it's worse now, she's on drugs.* Jazz thought as she took a cleansing breath and walked onto the ramp leading up inside the private plane.

*Wow, Ms. WuHong knows how to travel in comfort and style.* She thought taking in the big comfy booths and high tech flat screen TVs. The Flight attendant was dressed in crisp dark burgundy skirt and blazer with a white blouse. She had her straight black hair pulled tightly back in a bun and glasses over her petite pale nose.

"Hello, welcome to Ms. WuHong's private plane and I hope you enjoy your flight, we will take momentary breaks to refill our tanks and will arrive in Tokyo which it will be Friday evening with enough time to get to the Gala." The flight attendant informed Jazz.

"Wait what? But its Thursday morning." Jazz stated so confused over the time change. The flight explained to her how it works.

"Oh Okay, man that is confusing." Jazz giggled.

Looking around for Ms. Wuhong and thanking the flight attendant with a respectful bow, she went to explore the cabin further.

Ms. WuHong's make-up artists, hairstylist, and wardrobe stylists headed to Tokyo last night so they will make it before they do. That also left her and Ms. WuHong alone..together. Normally, Jazz would be fine but with her boss showing her interest, she felt a little out of place. She found a secured cherry oak door at the back of the plane. Knocking softly, she heard a 'Come in' and she slowly pushed the door open.

The room was a really nice bedroom with a full king sized bed. The bed looked like it was wrapped in a white cocoon, seeing that would help if there were any turbulence. The walls of the cocoon were lined with soft plush pillows surrounding the bed. There were numerous white belts that peeked through the plush pillows.

*Those look like silk, well hopefully there sturdy enough to hold you against turbulence.* Jazz felt a soft snort escape at the craziness of using silk seatbelts to strap you in just in case you were sleeping and the pilot asked you to strap in. Jazz shook her head and looked around to find Ms. WuHong looking at her with a tilt to her head. Her shades were still covering her eyes.

"Umm are you feeling better, Ms. WuHong?" Jazz questioned. Before she could answer the Pilot stated they were about to take off and all passengers to be seated and secured. Forgetting her question, Jazz turned to go back towards the front of the plane to sit down on the seats with a more secure seatbelt.

Once they were in the air heading to Tokyo, the pilot stated over the intercom that they were free to move about the cabin. Jazz took the pink moscato wine in a delicate crystal flute and sipped it knowing she was a light weight when it came to alcohol.

A small hiss came from beside her and Jazz snapped her head to Cleo, who was doubled over.

"Are you okay? Did the medicine where off?" Jazz asked in concern. She got up from her seat to grab the warming pad and put her hand on Cleo's shoulder. Cleo looked up behind her black sunglasses and turned to stand.

"Could you rub my back like you did in the car?..The medicine is starting to feel like it's wearing off." Cleo said softly as she walked to the back.

Jazz nodded and followed, wanting to help ease her pain.

Cleo sat on the bed and removed her black Gucci jacket revealing a deep red lacy bra that contrasted with her creamy brown skin perfectly. Jazz felt her mouth go dry at the sudden display of her boss's breasts and lean muscular arms. She wanted to lick that tight six pack as she leaned back, seemingly tempting her with a wanton display with her full breasts pushed forward. Cleo turned on her stomach. Jazz slowly took a step forward, feeling her pussy start to grow hot. She placed a knee on the black soft comforter that draped across the bed that contrasted against the white pillows of the cocoon.

Getting fully on the bed, Jazz felt the bed was soft but firm offering nice support and crawled over to her boss's side. Placing the warming pad under under her tight abdomen, Jazz let her fingers caress the sides of her boss's waist.

*She's so soft like rose petals but tight and hard with lean muscles.* Jazz thought as she massaged Cleo's lower back. A soft moan left her lips and Jazz kneaded a little harder, wanting to hear that moan again. Biting her lower lip she started to massage a little higher and higher until she reached the underside of her boss's breasts.

Jazz bit her lip harder as pressed her thighs together to stop the pressure from building between her thighs. She slid her hands a little more under Cleo's sexy red bra to feel the underside of her creamy brown mounds. Cleo's let out a moan as she felt her dick grew hard in her Gucci pants and flipped over at startling fast rate.

Jazz rocked back in shock as Cleo grabbed her arms and flipped her over her body, pinning her down.

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