Chapter 12

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Cleo told Jazz she would take lunch in her office and that Jazz could order her something or leave to get lunch. Having a personal refrigerator in her space, Jazz decided to make her a sandwich instead.

*Thank goodness, I filled the fridge on Monday. Now I don't have to go out to get anything.* Jazz closed the door of the refrigerator and started making her a sandwich. She heard a soft tinkly noise from her phone. Jazz sat down on her marble desk with her turkey and cheese sandwich and lifted up her phone.

-Ay Bish! You were suppose to call me! It's been hours!!- Amber texted her.

Jazz let a small snort come out as she took a bite from her sandwich. Glancing at the seemingly closed clouded glass doors of her Boss's office, Jazz dialed her best friend.

"Bestie!! Whatcha doin', huh?!" Answered Amber. Jazz could feel her best friends cheerful smile through the phone.

"Sooo, the owner personally invited me to Creme De La Creme! Oh man, I'm so excited. I've been bragging to my coworkers all day!" Amber continued. "So what does she look like in person, I've only seen pictures of her in articles on social media."

"Well, she's tall like Ms. WuHong. And guess what they're best friends." Jazz gossiped to her best friend and told her all about her crazy ass morning.

"Damn girl, you better hop on that! From what you been tellin' me, you've been wanting to eat that pussy for a looong time!" Amber exclaimed.

"It hasn't been that long! It just a couple months." Replied Jazz.

"Hell, in lesbian years that's a long ass time! Man, I feel your pain, I've been going through it over here too. So many delicious looking black women over here. I'm practically drooling every time I step outside! But I still love my down south, hustlin' women in the states. It seems like every date I go on over here, they seem so cultured and refined. I just want a nice long rough fucking session! Is that asking for too much!" Amber exclaimed dramatically.

"Amber! You are so crude!" Jazz was laughing so hard, she covered her mouth glancing her at her boss's door, thinking that she saw it open a little bit. Brushing it off as she saw that it still looked closed, Jazz focused back on her conversation.

"And what about your hot Ms. Wuhong? Why didn't you let her.. you know keep going in the bathroom. It's like your fantasy made real life. Too much to handle??" Amber teased. 

Now Jazz regretted telling her everything, she was going to tease her mercilessly.

"No, it's not like that. It's just.." A quick glance at the door. "It's just that she's my boss and a very powerful woman. I might not measure up, you know. Also, I want kids and a family, to settle down. I'm getting up there in age and I want to spend my life with someone, not playing sex games with my boss." Jazz whispered the last part.

"Bitch bye! Your only 28 Jazz! I say have some fun and the right woman will come along. Your boss might be the right one for you, ya never know," Amber advised.

"That's what I'm scared of, Amber. I want her, yes.. but what if this is just a passing infatuation with her. She knows I'm a lesbian now. What if she's just curious and when the right man comes a long, she dumps me like a pile of bricks and my heart shattered on the ground under her thousand dollars shoes. I don't know if I can handle another heart break after Brittany. She left me in the dust for a rich man." Jazz finished with a sigh. Trying to shake the solemn memory out of mind.

"Ah fuck that bitch! She didn't deserve you anyway, Jazz Bean! You were so good to her and that down low la puta left when she just got a smidge of interest from that man, all because of some dinero. Your Ms. Wuhong could buy that lil fucker out of business and everything can be crashing down on him and her. He knew she was with you and he still slid in her DM's. They were both 'hehe'-ing and 'haha'-ing behind your back for months, Jazz Bean. Even when you found out, you left. Didn't slash her tires or put a snicker bar in her gas tank. Just left! Inconceivable! You didn't even let me go over there with my gas tank." Amber ranted.

Jazz shook her head at Amber antics. 

When they were younger, Amber always got them into trouble and she had a bad habit of setting things on fire. Even when she didn't mean to, for that reason, Amber never cooked and she always stayed out the kitchen.

"No, I wasn't going to let you burn his mansion to the ground." Jazz stated dryly.

"They weren't going to be in it... maybe... probably." Amber shrugged on the phone. "But that's not the point! The point is you didn't get any revenge."

"I don't need revenge, Am Bee." Jazz sighed, not wanting to talk on this topic anymore.

Sensing that Jazz was starting to get tired of her ramblings, Amber turned the topic back to Ms. WuHong.

"Okay, Okay. I still think you should give your boss a chance, she's a billionaire, so what? You only live once, right? And you can have children with the job you have now, I know you spent all your IVF saving money when Madre got sick." Amber suggested.

"I don't think so, Amber. She's way out of my league and I don't want to become some mistress, I'm already her secretary. I don't want anymore titles, unless its Mrs. Wuhong or Mrs. Something else, I'm not settling. Yes, I want children. I was thinking of making an appointment next month to get started." Jazz said finishing her sandwich. 

Glancing at her phone, Jazz stated that she had to make some calls because her and Ms. Wuhong were going to Tokyo the next day and she still had to rearrange her schedule. Amber got off the phone with a cheerful goodbye and kissy noises over the phone.

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