Part 6

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As I silently stood there crying I could hear hoovesteps coming to the door. Pulling myself together and making myself look presentable, I hear the door open and a conserned voice following.

"Hey Tempest I heard you talking and then crying are you sure your ok?"

"Yes Twilight I'm ok. Like I said eariler I just need to be alone for a bit." I said gritting my teeth and forceing a smile.

"I...I know I just wanted to tell you that I'm here for you if you need me... ok." Twilight shyly mentioned.

"Thanks...thanks for everything Twilight."

"Ok .. well I'll take my leave now."

As Twilight turned to head out the door I don't know what came over me but I wanted to tell her everything but I couldn't.

"Wait Twilight?" I blurted out.

"Yes Tempest?"

"Oh...never mind."

"Oh ok see you later Tempest."

"Yeah you too."

Why didn't I ask her why can't I tell her how I feel and what happened.It's like something changed inside me again I don't know how to explain it really, but I can tell.The more I ask myself these questions the more something takes over and I find myself asking the same question 'Who am I?' What ever I ask or think about I always find myself going back the the same question. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts and try to move on but from the corner of eye I could see somepony standing behind my bed. Turning to see a shadow of a pony smiling at me, how could there be a shadow of a pony that's not even here.

"Tempest... Who Are You?" the shadow askes.

"Who am I more like who are you?"

"Who are you Tempest.. a love stuck pony or a pony in power?"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll never be a pony worth love from the ponies you really care about. They don't care about you they only want to reform you and then get rid of you after their done with you. They will never love you and they will never care for you.Why put in effort into a pony whos damaged?"


"Your a damaged pony in their eyes they all hate you; their disgusted that they have to spend time out of their day to be with you, and for what you'll never change you would be the same and they would have to get rid of you."


Once again I slumped down and begain to cry. For some reason the pony's words hurt,maybe the pony was right how could they love a damaged pony like me?"


"Hahaha! My plan is working I can feel it. Soon Celestia I'll be free and you'll pay for what you've done. Hahahahaha!"

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