Five|| I Don't Ship Willie

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"But when you are attracted to someone, it's because of the details. . .their kindness, their eyes, their smile. . .the fact that they can get you to laugh when you most need it." - Unknown

Five|| I Don't Ship Willie


"Parker, don't you dare walk away from me!"

I ignored my father's command and slammed the door as hard as I could and locked it. Now, I know what you're thinking.

Oh, Parker's such an asshole. Why would he treat his dad like crap?

I could use some lame excuse and tell you that it's my raging hormones. I'm a teen and I'm having a total meltdown and people should understand this because they've been through it.

But we all know that's total bull, I'm not acting like this because of my hormones and I'm certainly not having a meltdown. I'm acting like this because my dad's the asshole. Yes, you've heard me. He's a moron if you ask me.

In the middle of my internal discussion, a shriek came from the Hasting house. Normally, I wouldn't direct my gaze towards their direction (specifically Will's room). But for some reason this time, I turned around and what I saw was... interesting.

Will had Ellie on his shoulder. She was hitting his back so he could put her down but he just kept spinning her.

A smile quickly made it's way onto my face. I couldn't help but think about a few days ago when we were both stuck in a bathroom stall, with her arms around me holding me as if her life depended on it.

"Will, you idiot, put me down!" she shrieked.

The smile erased itself from my face as I looked at the couple in front of me. Were they even a couple? They sure acted like one, he was always looking at her in a certain way and she was always smiling when she was with him. A while back, I has heard Sam say she 'shipped Willie' while Finn nodded in agreement which lead to a deep explanation on what shipping meant.

Apparently it had something to do with pairing them together. And then she went on about an OTP. I'm not even sure if I even understand the concept. One thing's for sure though, I don't ship Willie.

I'm not even sure why Sam creates fictional relationships in her head.

But now, as I was looking at Will twirl Ellie around I kind of understood why she shipped them. They looked perfect together and I couldn't help but feel like she should be with me instead of him. Weren't we supposed to make people believe we were friends or something? She should be hanging out with me not him.

I shook my head and let myself fall onto my bed. That was pathetic. I don't need to be with her every second. If she wanted to hang out with Will then she could hang out with that loser, see if I care.

This time, instead of shaking my head I roughly slapped the side of my head.

That's even more pathetic, I sound like a jealous freak.

I rubbed my suddenly sweaty hands on my jeans and let out a deep breath. I'll admit Ellie wasn't exactly ugly, but she wasn't hot either. So there is no reason for me to look at her other than my friend. Just like Sam. Except that Ellie is more of a good girl and she-

"Honey, can you open the door?" My mother's gentle voice echoed through the thin walls. I hesitated, but stood up and made my way to the white wood door. After unlocking it, I swung it open and took a couple of steps back so my mom could come in.

Her hair was in a tight bun as always and she kept her perfect posture as she walked in and sat on my bed. Her nose scrunched up in disgust as she took in my messy desk which had books and crumbled paper on it.

"You should forgive you father, you know he always says things without thinking. You're a very nice boy, sweetie," she started as I sat down beside her. This was going to take a while, "He's a very busy man and he doesn't always have time for you or your little brother."

I nodded and licked my lips. "I totally understand, anything else you want to discuss?" It's not that I didn't want her in my room, it's just that I felt the need to get her out of here before she started crying. I did not want to go through that.

"Actually, I heard from Taylor's sister's neighbor's daughter who also happens to be the older sister of Peter's friend that you started dating that girl that came over a couple of weeks ago, is it true?" My brow furrowed as I tried to process the information. But before I could say anything, my mom started speaking again.

"I'm just incredibly happy that you started dating a decent girl like her. She seems very nice and I'd like you to bring her to dinner one of these-" I cut her rambling short as I suddenly put my hands up.

"Mom, who are you talking about?" I questioned.

She looked up as she tried to remember and started playing with her hands. "What was her name?" she mumbled to herself, "She had brown hair and brown eyes. She's very thin and very polite. Her name was Ellie!" she finally exclaimed.

"She's not my girlfriend," I mentioned dryly. My mom's face fell and she looked at the ground with sad eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just be on my way." I sighed and nearly slapped my forehead. I was going to regret saying this.

"But, Ellie is a very good friend so I could ask if she wanted to come over for dinner." I mumbled and scratched the back of my neck. She suddenly stood up and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Great," she exclaimed, "How's tomorrow?"

I opened my mouth but by the time I could even utter a sound, she was out the door.

What the hell just happened?

Author's note.

Hello, people!

I thank you once again for reading, you don't know how much that means to me! I really love you unknown people that I don't even know. But if you feel the need to chat, my PM box is always there. You can chat with me with just a click. Just like MAGIC! Sorry, I felt the need to do that.

This chapter is dedicated to a very special person who I happen to love! She's always helped and encouraged me to be me in her awesome and weird way. I LOVE YOU MARY. (Her name's not Mary).

Do you people know 5 seconds of Summer? If you don't you should check them out... right now.

Vote if you want more of Parker point of view. If not, please vote anyway!

Batman out!

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