BigJigglynoss [2] [NSFW]

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sequel to bigjigglynoss 1

Anthony's tired. It's not uncommon for him. After all, he and his boyfriend work a job that demands weird hours, and many hours at that. It's gotten better for them since they moved in together, since they're better at taking care of the other than themselves, but exhaustion is not a foreign concept to them.

This is something deeper than exhaustion. He's... fatigued, or something similar.

Whatever. He's not fuckin' Shakespeare. Goddamn wordsmith.

But this tired runs bone-deep. It's getting hard to make it out of bed before two PM, and he's missed a few gaming sessions that his friends had intended to include him in.

Anthony can tell that Evan's worried about him, too. He's fidgety, and gets uncomfortable easily if Anthony's not in the same room as him. Anthony's taken to falling asleep in between his legs, head resting against one of his knees, to stop Evan from interrupting himself constantly to check on him. It hurts his back, but at least it stops their friends from teasing them because Evan ducked out of a session for the fourth time.

Evan's a whole 'nother can of worms, no bird puns intended. His sleep schedule is jacked even worse than Anthony's is; in one of his worst cycles, he slept til five PM one day and then stayed up for two days straight. It's worrying Anthony too, but he doesn't have the energy to protest too heavily. Still, it leaves a bad taste in his mouth when he wakes up to an empty bed.

But what is Anthony gonna say to him, really, when he's sleeping 20 hours a day himself?

So he doesn't say anything. But he's curious where Evan's getting all this energy from. The man's rearranged the furniture in the living room every day for the past few days, pushing the chairs up to meet the couch in several different ways. He's been shopping really frequently, more often than their normal twice-a-week routine, and always seems to come home with a new blanket. It doesn't bother Anthony until Evan starts taking the blankets from their bed; that one kinda pisses him off, considering just how much time he's been spending there recently.

But again, what is Anthony gonna say to him? It's not damaging, this newfound love of soft things, and they haven't seen each other an awful lot in the past few weeks. Any time spent together is spent in the kitchen waiting for a pre-made meal to reheat. Evan's been wearing a lot of backless shirts at home, and it makes Anthony warm inside when he sees him. Evan's wings seem to have some senses outside of his control, because the feathers curl towards Jiggly whenever he's in the room. It makes Anthony cheer up a little bit to see Evan's wings stretch towards him, even if the man himself is entirely focused on editing or recording.

So Anthony leans into his side when they sit in the kitchen together, and rests his feet in his lap when they're working on editing together, and falls asleep against his legs when he inevitably gets too tired to trek back to their bed. For a little while, they make it work. Neither of them are bringing in as much from ad sense as they normally would be, and it means they have to be really careful with their editing because of it. Which is hard, because they're both exhausted and out of it, and- it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It's hard, but they lean on each other as much as they can. Then they fight.

Not only is it the first fight they'd had in a while, it's the first one that they've had as a couple. It's scary. Anthony's kind of relieved that it's finally happened, but at the same time, he's so fucking angry at Evan. The goddamned hypocrite, Mr. Hasn't-Seen-A-Doctor-Since-He-Was-Six, is insisting that Jiggly needs to go get checked out. Anthony's started scratching his skin up recently, especially in his sleep. It's getting bad, like bloody sheets kind of bad. And he's sleeping absurd amounts.

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