Poly!BBS [1] [NSFW]

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a birthday present/request for a friend! bottom brian/everyone... sequel incoming ;)

The AirBNB is Evan's idea, so that's who Brian chooses to blame when he remembers the trip later. It's a massive house, almost a half-hour drive from the convention centre, but Evan's all suave when they question him, because it's Vanoss. The most practical reason is that Jonathan is following Luke up to the con this time. It'll be their second time meeting the guy, and Evan asserts that they should be as cautious as possible, stay away from all the hotels in the area.

So sure, why not. Instead of half a dozen hotel rooms, their group ends up in a house in the Boston suburbs. Evan fails to mention that the thing is enormous, and once they finish their hugs, the first thing Brian does is trail from room to room, gaping the entire time. He finds himself in one of the many back rooms and closets, and emerges only when he hears laughter roll up the staircase to greet him. Somebody had towed along their consoles, and there had been discussion of getting them set up as Brian had wandered away.

"I can't believe you all started without me," Brian says, mock-offended as he trots down the stairs. "What if I got lonely?"

Sprawled out across the corner of the sectional, Luke snorts. "Come cuddle with me, then, darlin'," he calls. He glances up from his phone only long enough to meet Brian's gaze, but one eyebrow twitches up as he does.

To Brian, it feels halfway to a challenge.

He strides across the room, hops the back of the couch. Jonathan makes an unhappy noise as the cushion jostles, leaning further over his controller with his eyes locked on the screen. Brian drops down heavily, landing solidly on his ass. His shoulder brushes Jonathan's, just a breath of a touch, but he turns the other way, kicks his legs out over Jonathan's lap. He huffs a sigh vaguely in Brian's direction, but lifts the controller so his hands rest on Brian's thighs instead.

Luke smirks down at Brian, whose head is pillowed comfortably in his lap. "Havin' fun down there, big boy?" Luke says, grinning that devil's smile down at him.

Brian shrugs, shifts a little, getting comfortable. "Depends on what you do next, I guess." Luke chuckles and shifts his attention back to his phone, but he drops one hand down to Brian's hair, stroking gently with his thumb before he starts petting absentmindedly.

Brian pulls his phone out, takes care of the few things he needs to before the convention starts the next day. He's quietly tuned in to the conversation of the other guys while they play; it's easier like this, when there's not the pressure of the recording. The game flows smoothly, Jon dropping out to pass his controller over to Brock, who's sitting quietly next to him, feet tucked under Jon's thighs. Tyler and Evan are on Luke's right, filling out the other side of the L the couch makes. They nudge and elbow each other as they play, grinning like schoolchildren and bouncing up when they get wins. They interact so naturally and so genuinely, and Brian catches himself watching them not an infrequent amount.

Luke is not particularly helpful in keeping Brian focused. He's been petting Brian's hair steadily, running his fingers lazily through the chestnut strands. Brian's just finished all the important things and he's starting to pay a little more attention to Luke, something molten slowly trailing down his spine as Luke's thumb brushes over his temple. He stretches upward nonchalantly, nudging further into Luke's lap.

Luke looks down at him, and the hand that's been in Brian's hair fists suddenly, tugging Brian's head back just the slightest. Brian lets him, head rolling back loosely on Luke's leg, and holds his gaze. He's sure Luke can see his pulse fluttering in his neck, fast as a hummingbird's wings, and the flush rising fast into his pale cheeks.

He must, he must know, because, curious gaze still locked with Brian's, he runs his hand just under Brian's jaw, cupping the side of his neck, and rests the pad of his thumb on Brian's lips.

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