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Min Yori POV

Dismissal time

I walked up the stairs and someone stood infront me "Oh its you jeongin"

I.N smiled "Hi noona where are you heading?"

" At the rooftop why?" I.N shake his head and grab my wrist

"Yah where are you taking me?!" We start to run down stairs 1 floor left until we reach the the main hall

"What's ..that..all about" I said trying to catch an air

"me and the hyungs are going to the amusement park today and chan asked me to invite you to come with us " I.N said

Well it can't be that bad i mean i never been to a amusement park before not like i remember

"Okay but can i add my friends too" I.N happily nodded

I get my phone inside my pocket and dial somi



Then dahyun yelled "WAH ERIC LET'S GO ON THE RIDE PLEASE ERIC!"  eric covered his ear proventing a loud yell

dahyun and me never been to a amusement park before but jennie,somi,eric and stray kids have.  i stand there with my mouth open because of amazed

"close your mouth something might get in" Jisung stood beside me and close my mouth

"Yah i was amazed okay ish" He rolled his eyes and walked away

"guys let's make a bet who ever lose rock-paper-scissor ride the roller coaster " Hyunjin said we all agreed

"ADWAE!!!!!!!!!!" Changbin yelled frustrated

So here's the two loser who lose in rock-paper-scisssor game

Changbin and bangchan go to the line where the roller coaster are. Then minho started to speak

"while we wait for those two how about let's go inside the hunted house right there" We looked over the big hunted house

"Hell no! i'm not going in there!" hyunjin exclaimed and cross his arms
minho glared at him made hyunjin widend his eyes

"s-second thought maybe we shoulf try it i mean it doesn't look scary"Hyunjin gulped his saliva

"okay so hunted house it is! we need a group i'll pare you up so seungmin with I.N,hyunjin with me,eric and jennie,somi with dahyun,woojin hyung with felix and lastly jisung with yori " Minho said i widened my eyes as i heard my name i looked at jisung

This gonna be so hard for me

Seungmin POV

We went inside the hunted house since we are the first one aish lee know hyung!

I walked slowly along with I.N with me but then someone tapped my left shoulder " Jeongin did you just tapped my left shoulder?" I can clearly feel jeongin shake his head fast

"hyung my both hands wrapped aroung your right hand and i'm in your right" Then we saw a bloody coffin with a dead person in it we slowly approached it and the dead person shot up and turn to us

"AHHHHH!!!" We yelled as we both ran off.

Minho POV

I casually walked not bothered by fake skeleton and some bloody stuff hanging
but this guy right behind me screaming and make a weird disgusting sound.

"Hyunjin could you be a bit quiet the ghost will be more scared of your screaming than you" I said as i started to walked again

"But hyung are we there yet? i keep hearing a lady screaming maybe they found me very handsome " Hyunjin proudly said

"No their screaming because they saw your ugly face" I laughed and hyunjin just glared behind me.

Woojin POV

Me and felix are in the hallway walking then I heard a child crying . "Lix did you hear-" as i was  about to speak i saw felix comforting the girl who dress in all white .

"f-felix don't comfort her" I nervously said but felix didn't listened

"Hey don't cry what's your name little one?" Felix asked sweetly few second later she stopped crying then her head turn to us


"Hi my name is anabelle wanna play?" She smiled creepy and she have a fake knife with her

Felix take out his real knife from his pocket
"So you wanna play huh?" Felix use his deep voice made the girl flinch because his voice wasn't like that earlier.

I grab his hand out or he might kill the girl any second if we didn't get out of here.

Min Yori POV

It's a little bit dark in here i can't see a thing. i let out my both hands to grab or hold on to something then i heard a giggled of a girl

"w-who's there?" I said then the giggle become loud and coming closer

"JISUNG WHERE ARE YOU!" I yelled and i didn't realize i feel myself crying holding my both hands .

Then i feel a soft warm hand hold into mine i looked at the figure " hey it's okay i'm here" Jisung softly whispered in my ears then i hugged him tight

"I thought you leave me here" I whispered in his ears while i was hugging him.

"How could i leave you if i leave you here the guys will surely kill me" He giggled and so do i

We pull out and he hold my hand "Let's go" He smiled I never see him smile before so cute

I nodded and started to walked out from here


"I will never go there again"Seungmin and I.N said union they are shaking in fear.

"WOW LET's do that again next time!" Somi exclaimed and dahyun happily nodded and they started to high five

"I almost slap the zombie for scaring me back there " Jennie said with a groan

"AHHAHA I WISH I RECORDED THAT you were running like a mianiac" Eric laughed as his left arm rest in his stomach

"jesus christ felix almost kill the girl with his knife in there luckily we got out " Woojin shake his head and felix just laughed it out

"Why are you two holding hands?" dahyun the first one who notice and all of them turn their gaze on us.

"Oh she got scared so i hold her hands to calm her down. right yori?" Jisung turned his gaze to me and smiled

"a-ah yes its true " Damn why did i stuttered

"okay why don't we get some ice cream its on me" chan said we all cheered .

It's raining~~~ i make it rainism ~rainism ahahah seriously whats wrong with me😄


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