
453 14 1

Warning:a little swear words

Jisung POV

I was chillkng here in the rooftop waiting for yori,i was humming my favorite song then i heard the door swung opened.

"Princess how-" I got cut with my words i don't know how to react but i stayed calm

"What are you doing here?" I asked as calm as i be

She run up to me and hug me "Jisungie~i miss you so much"Yerin place her head in my chest

I pushed her to separated us i looked at her dead in the eye"You don't miss me jisungie?" Ugh her voice makes me wanna poke .

"of course i don't"

" i thought you loved me"Yeri said

"that was before, i have a girlfriend now" She looked at me shocked then she smirked

She started to walked closer to me as i was backing away then my back hit the bench as she unbotton her shirt a little then She went to my ears and whisper.

"You're only mine han jisung " she whispered seductively in my ears
then she suddenly kissed me indirectly.
I was shocked my eyes are wide open i tried to escape but hell she is strong . does girls always this strong?(not all han)

Then we heard the door swung opened and revealed yori standing there with her eyes wide open.her tears fallin down her cheeks, then I pushed yerin off of me again then she fell down in her butts

"Princess its not what is look-" Before i can finished my sentence she run away closing the door harshly. I called her name many times but she's already gone

I turned to yeri and yell at her"What the hell yeri! why did you kissed me back there!" I yelled out of frustration

she just chuckled "why did you choose her instead of me?She's nothing but a dump her" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes

"You take that back ! i choose yori because she's nothing like you ,she's sweet,kind and caring unliked you. i saw you kissing with my best friend! and lastly......let's not meet again kim yerim " I said loud as it clear for her to hear, I stared at her dead in the eye i wipe the lipstick on my lips and left the rooftop leaving her alone.


I walked to the stray kids hide out and i opened the door and saw them laughing together until chan notice my present "Jisung you're here me and the guys-" chan stopped talking and notice my sudden quietness

" hyung are you alright?"Jeongin asked they went to my side and listen

"Yerim...she's back"I mumble, their eyes wide opened after hearing those news then changbin shake his head

"I know this day will happened" woojin turned his gaze to me

"But why are you so down?"I deeply sighed baried my faces in my palm

"I was waiting for yori in the rooftop i suddenly heard the door swung opened i thought it was yori but no....it was yeri , i was shocked to see her back again. i asked why she's back then she answered me that 'she misses me ' then...she suddenly kissed me and at the same time yori was there and....she saw us kissing" I mumble the last part.the boys have worried looked in their eyes

"Did you explained it to her?"Hyunjin asked and i shake my head saying no

"Before i can explained she already run away....she think i cheated on her....taehyung hyung and suga hyung going to kill me"I lowered my head between my arms thinking about what happened earlier.

Chan stand up from his chair and walked towards me then he sat down next to me patting my back,i look up to him

"They will forgive you jisung aslong you have an explanation to what happened,now let's go to BTS house"Chan said as he stand up followed by the others.Hyunjin opened the door and we go straight to Yori's house


"yori hasn't been here since last night, she left a note saying she will be staying at her friend house for a while only a couple of days" Jungkook said with a sad tone
All of us sat down in the living room.Taehyung take a glance at me and cleared his throat then we look up to him

"Did you really cheated on her with another fucking girl?"Taehyung asked with a thin of angry in his tone he stared at me too long

"I didn't cheat on her with another girl...that girl who kissed me is my ex- girlfriend 3 years ago she cheated on me with my best friend, then She suddenly come back and wanted me again BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR HER ANYMORE...i only loved yori..."I explained to taehyung and BTS about what happened.There was a long quiet moment no one dare to talk but i heard footstep, I looked up and see suga gummy smile why he suddenly change his mind so quick.

"I forgive you han jisung"

Then out of nowhere jin stand up and clapped sarcastically at suga"yah~~You said the last time you're going to kill jisung and now you forgiving him so easily?Yahh~~ "Suga rolled his eyes at jin but hw can't do anything since he is his hyung.

"because-aish nevermind atleast i forgive him" Suga went back to his sit and BTS nodded except for taehyung

We turned our gaze to him,he was  sitting there with his eyes close while tapping his right foot.Then he opened his eyes turning his gaze to us,jin give a signal to taehyung saying  'forgive him jisung already Taehyung'

He heavily sighed"Fine i'll forgive you,BUT if you ever hurt our yori again....I will kill you"He grin

Hoseok stared at taehyung in horror"sheesh you sound like exactly a psychopath" I turned to taehyung again and smiled

"i promise i will take care of her" Then a small smile creep around his lips and nodded

Then a few minutes later suga phone started to vibrated inside his pocket. he reach out for it and hit the green botton
"yes boss.....wait what?.....now?.....we will be there in a minute sir.. He drop the call and put his phone back inside his pocket

"we need to go, boss called me saying we need to be there he has an important to tell us"Jin and chan grab their car keys and we went to the car and drove off to the BIG HIT agency

I may not update all the time because class starting soon at aug.24 so i don't have much time to update. i hope you guys understand😊



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