
565 13 2

Third person POV

yori walked down the hallway going to her class then she heard voices behind her.

"you can't catch me hyung!" He yelled then bumb into her and they both fell in the ground

The brown hair guy followed behind and yell at jisung" Yah be careful next time! see you bumb into a girl"He help yori to get up

"sorry my friend here is- wait are you the girl that give me my handkercheif back inside the cake shop?" Yori look at him scanning his face and realized she gasped.

"oh my! yes your schooling here?"Yori asked still suprised the guy chuckled and nodded

"eventually yes, Me and my two other friends are. i'm Huang renjun and this is my friend park jisung" Renjun introduced jisung stand up from the ground

"Sorry i didn't see you there umm.."

"Opps sorry how rude am i,I'm Min yori"She shake hands with renjun and jisung

"nice to meet you yori,well we need to head to our class now see you later yori" Renjun said as they go separated ways .


"class dismiss the project will be pass on wednesday"Mrs.kim reminded

While Yori was packing her notesbooks jisung(park) approached to her. he tapped her shoulder then she turned her direction

"umm..since your my partner for the project where should we make it?"Jisung asked

yori place her left hand on her chin thinking "hmm..how about my favorite coffee place jamggodae in Samcheongdong" Jisung smiled nodding

"sure at 1pm let's meet up "Yori simply nodded and left the room

While yori was walking to the cafeteria a tight grip grab her wrist and dragged her to the empty room.

"jisung?why are we-"

"tell me,did he do something to you?"Jisung asked concerned and full of worries

yori give him a confusing look"what? no he didn't do anything, we just talked about our project since his my partner we need to talk about where we should make it. cheez you sounded like my brother"Yori rolled her eyes

Han nervousily laughed while scratching his neck "mianhae, i was just worried he might do something to you"He lowered his head

yori eyes soften and hug Han made him flinched later that he hugback"I'm okay see no injury,i will tell you if someone bother me or bully" Han nodded they let go of each other

"let's go the guys are waiting and i don't want to be late later"Jisung laughed then they went out the room


-Jamggodae coffee shop-

Yori entered the shop she saw jisung waving to her.she smiled and waved back she sat down and place her bag on her side

yori apologize to jisung"sorry for keeping you waiting " Jisung returned it with a cute smile

"not it's okay you got here just in time,shall we start?"Yori nodded and take out what they needed

Few hours later they're done doing they're project.yori stretch both of her arms through the air and massage her neck.

"wah we are done least than 2 hours"yori said checking the time as jisung laughed and yawn

"Glad we're done, kya let's go i'm having a cufew less than an hour"

Yori giggled and say"yah so do i" they got up from their sit grabbing their bags and went out.

While walking along the way they keep talking and telling each other's joke, they both share similarity they just meet an hour ago but they seem like best friend since childhood.

Jisung take a deep breathe"okay here's my stop,i'll see you tommorrow yori" she smiled

"yup bye jisung" yori waved to jisung and they say goodbye

-At the Min's house-

"YAH kim taehyung!We can't just kill him directly you know what will happen if we do that you want us to get killed!"Suga yelled frustrated . taehyung rush his hand through his hair messing it

"HYUNG! ONE OF HIS MAFIA ALMOST SHOT JIN HYUNG LUCKY I WAS THERE TO SAVE HIM JUST IN TIME" Taehyung yelled loud almost heard by the neighbors

"lower you're voice V his your hyung don't raise you voice!" Namjoon trying to calm taehyung's temper. jungkook holding him down

"fine!" Taehyung glared at suga then he storm out and went to his room.

And there's yori standing between the door shocked seeing her brother and her friend yelling each other while the others trying to calm them down and it's the first time seeing them fought. all of them turnwd their attention to her

"yori.did you heard everything?"Namjoon asked yori shoke her head

"not all just a few.what happenned? why did taehyung oppa and suga oppa yelling about?"She closed the door and sit one of those couch

Namjoon heavily sighed" Earlier today i,jin,and taehyung we're walking back home then my cellphone fell from my pocket went i reach for it i heard a bang, i look up and see jin is now on the floor breathing heavily while taehyung trying to shot someone from the abandoned building but missed then he run away. Went we got home we told suga and the others about what happened earlier,taehyung know it was SM but we still not sure about it and that went they started to yell the time went you arrived" The others nodded and sighed cannot believe suga and taehyung just fought earlier.

Suga stand up and called jimin"let's go check the camera fotage jimin follow me"Jimin got up from his sit and followed suga

yori sighed"i'll go talk to taehyung"She stand up and grabbed her bag then she went straight to taehyung room

*knock* *knock*

"tae?" She opened the door and see taehyung facing the ceiling. she sighed and went to his bed

"oppa what happenned" Yori looked at him with worried eyes

Taehyung shot up and deeply sighed he turned to yori "mianhaeyo, is just that i'm scared of losing my friends who they treated me as a family like how i losed my real family" he burshed into tears.

Yori pulled taehyung into a hug letting him sob"hey it's okay, we are here for you but don't go killing someone that you're not sure"He nodded

"thank you babygirl " he said i smiled while nodding my head

OKAY I'll continue this tommorrow bye read and follow me✔


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