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"We're here." Dabi spoke softly, shaking them all awake. The sun shined brightly on their faces. Shoto looked around the van, trying to recall the hit and run they had done. He remembered stealing some metal but that was it. He slowly opened up the van's doors and slowly climbed out. At these times, Shoto was quick on his feet. He checked one of the boxcars, which was shut completely. He slowly opened it, to his pleasant surprise it was empty. He waved his hand and they nodded, grabbing the materials and then running out. Toga tossed Shoto a nail gun and he thanked her. Toga smiled and skipped over to the lake, she held up a metal bucket that she had stolen and filled it up. Doing so, she took off her jacket and soaked it up. Walking up to the car, she climbed in and walked around the boxcar, cleaning out the spider webs. Dabi climbed up to the top to help make a hallway like structure with the metal. He cut and welded the metal onto the top car and Shoto nailed it in to make sure it was secured. Doing so, Dabi smiled and began to talk about the moments he has had with the league as Shoto filled Dabi on what was going on before this whole apocalypse.

"Shigaraki claimed to be lactonase tolerant. He claimed milk wasn't FUCKING lactose."

"Pfft- your kidding..." Shoto smiled boldly at him, laughing at that, "Well... Natsuo lit the kitchen on fire a month ago. Father was incredibly angry... he was scolded at, but I must admit that seeing father mad is quite humorous."

"You see? Father is quite annoying!" Dabi smirked at his younger brother.

"I can agree, there isn't a way too. I mean, if he wanted to be a hero, he would have been ours!" Shoto sighed at the end, then nailed in the other side of the ceiling. Dabi had already welded the bottom as Shoto jumped of the train to work on the sides. As they finished up the hallway, Toga grabbed some left over oil lamps an hung them up inside. She grabbed her pistol and opened up the door. Nothing, for some reason the boxcar was empty. She opened up the door and began to clean again as the brother worked harder. Twice was collecting food, mostly wild berries in a small cloth. He would walk into the room and place them down the ground and tie it up.

"Oi. Toga, you got any more rags? I'm out?" He called from the first car."

"NO! SORRY!" She shouted back loudly.

"I do." Shoto grabbed a small rag out of an old pocket and tossed it down, "I would recommend cleaning it as well as you can."

"Yeah yeah, whom the fuck would use a dirty rag for food?" Twice walked over to the water and slowly cleaned it.

"DUDE! HURRY UP! WE DO- Ah shit..." Dabi looked at the sun beginning to set. He forgot about how tired they were and the fact that Toga was cleaning and scavenging.

"We should get inside, although... we should lock up the fucking VAN!" Toga's calm attitude shifted to an angry tone of voice. Shoto jumped from the train and walked over and slammed the doors shut. He locked them and called them all over. They ran inside and closed the boxcar door. Sighing one of relief, Toga lit up the oil lamp and smiled.

"Hey! This isn't so bad!" Dabi admitted after a few minutes, Shoto smirked at him.

"Childhood spot. Me and Yumi along with Natsuo would come here with mom." Shoto explained, rubbing his hand across his neck.

"really?" Twice smiled boldly. "Tell us about it!"

"Well... let's see. To start off, honestly we'd just would play. Natsou would be the one who was in the water first or tried to eat the nature. Like grass or berries. Fuyumi liked to be on the more safe side. As fo me, I was always clinging to my mother, I didn't like going places without her. I think our favorite thing to do was swim. She always had towels on hand for us and we would play tag in the water, never on the deep end cause I didn't know how to swim. Being in a situation like this, I was always watched over. I didn't mind you know? They were good times." He sighed and leaned his head back. Then touched his neck, "Quite the advantage though."

"Yeah... sounds like you had an awful lot of fun." Toga muttered, "But when you were home however, that's when things go crazy."

"Mhm... Dabi, Toya, would be beaten and trained harshly. I hated to see him hurt, it was painful and even heartbreaking. I want to kill Endeavor sometimes." Shoto stated, harsher at the end. Toga sighed and smiled gently at him. She walked up to him and sat down, she wrapped him into a hug.

"Don't be mad... be more happy!" She hugged him tighter and Shoto stared at her awkwardly then looked at Dabi. He mouthed the words help me. Dabi burst into laughter with Twice.
"Good luck dude!" Twice smiled at him. Dabi leaned on the side of the boxcar and fell asleep. Twice eyed Shoto as he leaned his head onto Toga and fell asleep there. She giggled and stroked his hair.

"It's so fluffy- even though it hasn't been washed."

"I can tell. It looked fluffy as well." Twice sighed and leaned his head back before dozing off. Toga looked offended as she stared at them sleeping peacefully.

"So your making me take first shift?!" She thought about that for a moment, "Well I suppose it's better then the second and third cause those are the worst my gosh." She pulled the oil lamp closer to her as she tried not to wake up Shoto. Staring up and around the haunting space, she prayed nothing was in the other boxcars.

Full Moon {BNHA apocalypse AU} DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now