Chapter 5

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𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔, 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔
𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒆 𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔


Another night, Another episode of Xueer sneaking out of her parents' house. Surpringly and fortunately, Her parents didn't find out about her sneaking out the previous night.

Xueer doesn't know why. She knows this is bad, She haven't done this before, She wasn't like this before. But now, She felt a part of her wanting to be with Jiaqi, Doing everything for Jiaqi. Jiaqi who she just met a few days ago.

It was still all crystal clear to Xueer. The great taste of Jiaqi's lips that she would always want to savor, The mixture of Strawberries and Cigarettes. How she wish she could taste it again and she knows it wouldn't be hard for her, Jiaqi would gladly do it if she requested.

Both girls are once again sitting down on their previous spot on the abandoned building. A cigarette stick between Jiaqi's lips and a plastic of multiple strawberry flavored lollipops resting on Xueer's lap. The redhead did make sure she brought more this time.

The cigarette smoke that Jiaqi exhales is honestly unpleasant to Xueer so she distracted herself by savoring one of the candies she brought.

Their hands pressed on the floor to support their position in sitting were only inches apart. Their eyes fixated on the stars and moon above.

On Xueer's thought, Just how luckier could she be? She meant--Yeah, Jiaqi is a delinquent but she isn't that bad. She can feel the older girl's care towards her (adding the fact that they just met a few days ago and they barely know things about each other). Since the kiss, The redhead couldn't take Jiaqi off her mind. Her strawberry and cigarette-like taste is just something Xueer couldn't forget. She can't even focus on reading her textbooks anymore. But one thing bugs the hell out of her, Does Jiaqi also thinks of her the same way she does?

Jiaqi has different thoughts in mind. Something she can't say to the girl, Something she can't say to anyone else. Truth be told, Jiaqi also can't take Xueer out of her thoughts but its not the same as Xueer thinks, It's very much divergent.

"Wanna have one?"

Xueer spoke, Offering a lollipop to Jiaqi. The taller took the stick of cigarette out of her mouth and accepted Xueer's offer. Well, That's something both of them didn't expect.

Xueer thought that Jiaqi is still disgusted with the taste of candy and there's no way she'll eat another one again. Jiaqi, on the other hand, Never found herself choosing a candy over a stick of cigarette.

Taking off the wrapper then putting it inside her mouth once again, Jiaqi started savoring the taste of the strawberry flavored candy. But why do Xueer only has strawberry flavored ones?

"I wanna try your cigarette."

Xueer suddenly said which was the least thing that Jiaqi expected to hear from the girl.

"Wait what--Am I hearing this right?"

Asked Jiaqi. She have no idea whether she's just being delusional or if the redhead really said those words.

"I said I wanna try your cigarette. C'mon give me one."

Xueer took the pack of cigarette from Jiaqi's side and pulled out one stick. She also asked for Jiaqi's lighter and light the stick up before putting it between her lips.

Xueer instantly choked as she inhaled the minty flavor of the cigarette. Great thing Jiaqi was right beside her to help her. The older continously tapped Xueer's back, Also taking away the stick from Xueer.

"Oh my god. I'm never ever giving another stick to you. I might get blamed if you died."

Jiaqi said. Xueer doesn't know whether the girl was comforting and helping her or she's just annoying the redhead. All she knows is she's never going to inhale that shit again.

After minutes, Xueer finally get back to her right state. They were once engulfed with silence again. Both let a few hours slip by, Only staring at the night sky beside each other. It might be somehow boring but comforting for both of them.

Now, They are walking hand in hand on the cold, empty and quiet streets. Jiaqi's taking Xueer home, Just like what she did the previous night.

"You have classes tomorrow so no sneaking out at night. Let's just do it again the next weekend."

Jiaqi said, Xueer nodded in response.

The redhead internally smiled. Yep, Jiaqi did become a bad influence to her by persuading her to sneak out but there's always a nice side of Jiaqi, Just like now.

They were like 10 minutes away from Xueer's home and the redhead, ofcourse, won't let those 10 minutes pass by just like nothing.

"Why don't you attend your classes?"

Asked Xueer. Jiaqi seems to be a person with lots of time to waste, It's like the older haven't experienced being busy and stressed at all.

"It's no use. My life is already planned out by my parents anyways."

Jiaqi answered that Xueer immediately understood. Typical rich asian parents who plans out everything for their children, Whether they like it or not.

"And why do you smoke? Does your parents know about it?"

Asked Xueer once again. Lucky for her, Jiaqi doesn't get annoyed with all the questions she's blurting out.

"I told you, It just feels good. They don't care about me at all, No one does so I'll do what I wanna do."

Xueer felt a pang in her heart as Jiaqi answered those words. Is that too much to ask? Did Xueer asked a too sensitive question and hurt the older girl?

"Don't say that, Jiaqi. I'm sure someone does."

Xueer tried comforting the girl. Jiaqi flashed a small but genuine smile that made Xueer felt better.

"Attend your classes. Stop being a delinquent. I'm off. Just text me anytime."

Xueer said and waved goodbye to Jiaqi, The taller did the same and watched as the redhead walked away.

Fortunately, Xueer wasn't far enough yet when she remembered what she forgot. She turned around and ran towards Jiaqi who was a bit confused at Xueer going back to her.

In a blink of an eye, They found their lips placed on each other for the second time. Each savoring the others' lips. Xueer liked how Jiaqi tastes like Strawberries and Cigarettes at the same time, It's just a perfect mixture that she would not get tired of tasting.

Seconds passed when they decided to pull away. Both have smile on their lips as they parted ways after sharing another long night together.

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