VI - Born To Be an Actor

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Music class was starting and Lisa was already in sitting her spot. While she waited for her teachers, she kept looking at Jake and smiling at him. He would look at her and smile or stick his tongue out at her and laugh. They aren’t dating if that’s what you’re thinking, but they’re not far from that…

-Good morning – The teacher said while placing his briefcase on his desk– sorry we’re late.

- It’s ok Mr. Bublé – Selena said with a smile – We all know how busy and hardworking you are. – She turned to Professor Leona Lewis - You too, Miss. Lewis.

- Does everyone have the lyrics we asked you to bring? – Professor Lewis asked.

One by one they went to one of the teachers and gave them the lyrics. They’re homework was to bring to class the song lyrics that touched them the most. Lisa brought "Perfect" By Alanis Morissette.

Meanwhile, Adriana was in her English class with the professor responsible for her class: Mr. Ryan Eggold. He was a nice teacher and young, so most English classes were calm and fun. They did a lot of debates…

-Today – Mr. Eggold said in the calmest tune ever – Guess what we’ll do?

- A debate… - The class said looking bored.

- C’mon, you’ll love this – Mr. Eggold said, he sounded a bit sarcastic. – What is your opinion on… homosexuality? Go.

Hands were lifted and Professor Ryan chose the platinum blond boy, Dave.

-I hate them – Dave said – I hate that we have to live with a bunch of big fairies.

- You’re only mad because there are guys like Adam who play for both teams and still get more girls than you! – Sam Nixon said and the whole class laughed except for Dave.

- Ok, Mr. Williams, thank you for commenting. Now, let me see – The teacher scanned the classroom. – What about you Mr. Lambert?

- Oh, you really want to hear me talk about this? – Adam answered and the class laughed once more.

The teacher didn’t answer. He just gave Adam a look that said “Don’t even think about it, Mr. Lambert”

Adam sat straight in his chair and cleared his throat.

-I think – He started – Homosexuality is a complete normal thing. You don’t choose who you fall in love with.

- Yeah, that’s why sometimes you fall for 200 girls… - Adriana failed to whisper that to herself and the whole class heard her.

- Is there something you would like to share, Miss. Patricio? – Mr. Eggold asked.

- No – Adriana smiled.

- I think there is... – He insisted – please, tell us your opinion.

- Alright…- She sat straight – My heart beats for love. I believe you can fall in love with everyone in the world. – She then looked at Adam with a sarcastic smile – But not at the same time.

- What can I say? I’m a great catch… - Adam said provocatively while leaning forward – Those 200 girls are lucky to have me, don’t you think so?

- No – Adriana answered.

- Of course, not all have the chance to experience it… - He smirked.

- Alright, it’s enough. We’re in a classroom – The teacher said. But it was as if no one had heard him. The students were all looking at Adam and Adriana who kept on “fighting”. – I said: enough!

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