III - Double D and Double B (Dicaprio Dinner and Blond Bitch)

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The sun was shining, the birds were singing peacefully, the sky was clear... oh, let's quit this crap. The sun was hot, the sound of skateboards and punk music filed the air and the sky had those annoying clouds that make you think it's gonna rain, but it never does, so you don't know what to wear. And choosing your outfit becomes even harder when you already survived Idols School's first day but you're about to enter through the school's doors to begin your second day of school. When you're in a school like this, your clothes don't make you cool but they show your artistic taste...

After 20 long minutes, Lisa and Adriana, finally found the right outfits.

They ran through the school's hallways, both holding a map on their hands. People around them seemed relaxed, but why shouldn't they? They've been in that school for ages and already knew all the classrooms and shortcuts; they don't have anything to worry about (except for grades). They were both walking really fast and at the same speed. Not saying a word to save their breaths, but Lisa had to break the silence. So while they kept on walking, she said:

- What do you have first?

- Sports. - Adriana answered - You?

- Sports.

- Who's your teacher? - Adriana asked.

Lisa stopped, which made her friend stop as well. She looked at Adriana and then with a "fan-girl" expression she said:

- Michael Ballack!!

- The German football player??

- Former football player.

- Oh my God!

- Who's yours? - Lisa asked.

- You're not going to believe it... - Adriana said.

- Tell me! - Lisa's curiosity was killing her.

- Promise you won't freak? - Adriana asked.

- I promise!

- John Cena! - Adriana exclaimed.

- Oh my God!!

- Class! - Adriana said and they started to walk again, they both still had their "fan-girl" expressions on.

- Oh, and I probably should tell you... - Lisa said.

- Tell me what? - Adriana asked.

- I'm not having dinner with you tonight. - Lisa answered - I have a date.

Adriana stopped again.

- A date?! - She asked - With who??

- Now you're the one that has to promise not to freak. - Lisa told her.

- Promise!

- It's with Leo...

- Leo as in... Leonardo Dicaprio??

- The one and only...

- "I don't have a crush on Leo!" - Adriana said, mocking her.

- Oh shut up... - Lisa complained. - Let's go to class.

They got ready together in the locker room. It was a normal locker room, like in any other school, but of course it had to have a little of "Idol's School" in it, so the walls were full of posters of former students who had become great athletes.

- See you after class! - Lisa said while walking away.

- See ya! - Adriana answered and went the other way.

Lisa got to class where everybody was already warming up. Leonardo was there, surrounded by girls as always. Suddenly, Lisa noticed Jake, alone in a corner warming up. "Oh my god..." Lisa thought while gazing at him. He then noticed her and waved at her with a smile, Lisa turned away embarrassed.

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