Chapter 13: Ho capito~

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"Got here as fast as I could. What's the situation ?"

Josuke: It just ended anyway.

"Oh, Koichi was able to man up and take matter in his own hands ?"

Okuyasu: Hey, Koichi ! You alright ?!

Koichi: Ah ! Josuke ! Okuyasu ! Y/n !! You're late, jeez !

 Koichi: Ah ! Josuke ! Okuyasu ! Y/n !! You're late, jeez !

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"... Love that new hairstyle."

Okuyasu: H- Hey, look ! Is that Yukako ? What the hell happened ?! Her hair's white !

"Must be stress. It happens sometimes. Mostly when Jotaro's pulling the ultimate bluff on you, though."

Okuyasu: But, that chick... Doesn't she look kinda happy ? She's looking this way...

Koichi: Huh ?!

Josuke: Y- You're right, that's fuckin' creepy...

Koichi: A- Alright then, let's get the hell outta here ! Help me, guys !

Josuke: D- Don't look at me...

*Stand user: Koichi Hirose

Stand: Echoes, Act II: -Power C

-Speed D

-Range B

-Durability B

-Precision C

-Potential A

Now it's annoying... Incarnate.*

The next day:

Okuyasu: Oi, Josuke. Looks like they made a new Italian restaurant around here... When'd happen ?

 When'd happen ?

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