[IT] Reddie reverse crush au beginning

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Context: Reddie (Richie and Eddie) reverse crush AU :o
Date last worked on: Jan.30.2020
Rating: 6/10

It was 1989, and the Losers just made a blood oath to come back to Derry if that dreaded clown was still alive and ever came back. Eddie Kaspbrak was walking back by himself when he was passing by a fence. He glanced at it then continued walking. He stopped to look at it again because he thought he saw something on it.

There were letters scratched all over it. He saw things like "A + O, L x H forever, O + S = <3", and more like that. One that stood out to him was an E with a heart around it. That's kinda cute he thought. That's when he got an idea. Eddie opened his fannypack, searching for anything sharp. Of course there was nothing. His mother wouldn't let him carry anything even remotely close to being sharp in his pack. Eddie sighed then closed his pack and started to walk away. That's when he noticed something.

There was a knife sticking out of the fence. Why the fuck would someone just leave a knife there? That's extremely dangerous! But...maybe if I'm careful, I won't cut my hand... Eddie thought to himself. He walked over and pulled the knife out from the fence, accidentally letting go so the knife flew behind him.

"Ah!" He screamed, but not very loudly. He looked around kind of awkwardly. He walked then knelt down near an empty spot by the fence. He looked around again. When he was sure no one was there, he started to carve the letter "E" with both hands, struggling due to his broken arm in the cast. Then he carved a "+". For a kid with a broken arm trying to carve something, he was doing pretty good. Eddie finished carving the last letter, and brushed his thumb over it, "R". Eddie smiled to himself then put the knife on top of the fence, then walked home.

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