[IT]Reddie reverse crush AU good ending

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Context: Richie x Eddie reverse crush AU and I was planning to make the ending multiple choice?? heres the good end 0-0
Warnings: profanity
Date last worked on: Dec.27.2019

Rating: 5/10

Eddie saw Richie float up from the ground in that monster's orange light. He hid behind a large rock. I have to do something! I can't just let Richie be killed he thought. Then he looked at the rod that Beverly gave him earlier.

"This...kills monsters if you believe it does. If you believe it does. If you believe it does. If you believe it does!" He repeated to himself. Then he ran out from behind the rock and threw the metal rod right into It's throat. It dropped Richie and started gagging, spewing some orange goo on the ground. It fell backwards and lay there, dying.

"Holy shit!" Eddie said.

Richie fell to the ground and Eddie ran over to him as fast as he could then knelt down beside him.

"Rich! Ah, Rich! Hey Rich, wake up! Yeah yeah there he is buddy! Hey Richie, listen, I think I got him, man!" Eddie said excitedly, looking behind him and seeing the clown laying there, limp. Richie was looking into Eddie's dark brown eyes, smiling and unable to speak a word.

"I think I killed it for real!" Eddie said excitedly. Suddenly Eddie's tone changed, and he stopped smiling.

"Uh Richie, listen, this probably isn't the best time, but I just-" Eddie stopped mid-sentence, glancing around the room, contemplating his next words. Eddie looked back at Richie, smiling slightly. Eddie leaned down, and pressed his lips against Richie's. This is what Eddie had always wanted since he first layed eyes on him. He waited twenty-seven years, but it was worth it. Richie blinked a few times in surprise, then closed his eyes and kissed Eddie back, cradling the back of Eddie's neck. Little did they know, behind them the clown was still alive, and it tried to stab Eddie from behind. Luckily, Eddie leaned down to kiss Richie as soon as it swung. Eddie pulled away and looked at Richie with a goofy grin on his face. Richie was very happy at what just happened.

"...Wow Eds, I-" Richie began then saw something behind Eddie. "L-look out!" He said, sitting up and pushing Eddie out of the way. Eddie fell on his back but sat up quickly.

"Aurgh!" Richie groaned. Eddie looked down then saw that he got a deep slash in his side. He turned around and saw Pennywise staring at them, laughing, and not dead. He got up and went to Richie.

pfft and that's it ig lol

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