[The Office] Andy x Oscar

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Context: random Andy x Oscar thing I was working on for the oneshots but never finished oop-
Date last worked on: Sept.28.2019
Rating: 2/10 (yes it's really that bad)
Note: what the frick was I on while writing this BSUSGWYAJ


So it was the annual Dunder Mifflin Christmas party and something happened that day that I was not expecting at all. I was making drinks for everyone in the conference room. "Does anyone have some chocolate shavings?" I asked everyone.

"Hey!" Someone said. I looked to the person entering the room and saw Andy walking towards me. He was stumbling, running into some people.

"Watch it!" Meredith said. Andy was carring a glass of some sort of alcohol (one I didn't make).

He poked me, hurting me a bit "What is it, Andy?" I asked.

"I just uh, you- you're kinda cute..." he said, almost in a whisper. I looked at the people around us. They all exchanged looks with each other.

I looked back to Andy "What are you- Why-" I paused. "...What are you talking about? You're obviously drunk, you should go sit down before you hurt yourself".

what was gonna happen (I didnt write it oop):  they kissed or smth then next day they're super awkward and Oscar tries to avoid Andy. Later Andy sings Take a Chance on Me to Oscar and they go out. That's it :/ sorry to disappoint

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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