[IT] Reddie reverse crush AU bad ending

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Context: Richie x Eddie reverse crush AU and I was planning to make the ending multiple choice?? heres the bad end 0-0
Warnings: blood, violence, profanity
Date last worked on: Dec.22.2019
Rating: 6/10
Note: why the frick did I decide to write the beginning end end of this but not the middle??

Eddie saw Richie float up from the ground in that monster's orange light. He hid behind a large rock. I have to do something! I can't just let Richie be killed he thought. Then he looked at the rod that Beverly gave him earlier. "This...kills monsters if you believe it does. If you believe it does. If you believe it does. If you believe it does!" He repeated to himself. Then he ran out from behind the rock and threw the metal rod right into It's throat. It dropped Richie and started gagging, spewing some orange goo on the ground. It fell backwards and lied there, as if it were dying.

"Holy shit!" Eddie said.

Richie fell to the ground and Eddie ran over to him as fast as he could then knelt down beside him.

"Rich! Ah, Rich! Hey Rich, wake up! Yeah yeah there he is buddy! Hey Richie, listen, I think I got him, man!" Eddie said excitedly, looking behind him and seeing the clown laying there, limp. Richie sat up, looking into Eddie's dark brown eyes, smiling and unable to speak a word. But something caught his eye and his smile quickly faded.

"I think I killed it!" Eddie said excitedly. "I did it! I think I killed it for re-".

"L-look out!" Richie exclaimed, shoving Eddie out of the way. Eddie fell onto his back, and Richie felt an immense amount of pain in his abdomen. "...AUGH!" Richie groaned in pain. Beverly screamed. Eddie sat up quickly and saw what had happened.

"Oh! Richie!" Eddie gasped. Richie slowly looked down and saw a giant spider claw sticking out of himself. He looked back up at Eddie, a heartbreaking expression on his face as he put his hands near the wound. Eddie was open-mouthed, not having any clue of what to say or do. His best friend had just been stabbed. He could feel the tears rushing into his eyes.

"...Eddie..." Richie trembled, tears and blood rolling down his face as he looked from Eddie to where he had been impaled.

"...Eddie?". Eddie hurried over, finally being able to do something other than sit there in horror. As soon as he got in arms reach, that wretched clown yanked Richie away from his grasp.

"No!" Eddie gasped, reaching out to him. It laughed, raising Richie up for all the Losers to see.

"NO!!!" Bill called out as Beverly screamed in terror.

"Richie!" Eddie said, barely audible. It laughed again as it swung Richie then threw him down a steep cavern-like cave. He tumbled down and cried out in pain. Eddie gasped then quickly got up and ran down the steep hill along with the rest of the Losers. They tried to lift Richie back on his feet but he just winced in pain so they put him back down. It hit the entrance of the cave and taunted them.

"Come out and play, Losers!".

"He's hurt really bad. We gotta- we gotta get him out of here!" Eddie said, taking off his sweater and crumpling it, putting it on Richie's wound. He winced in pain again.


"Eddie... Eddie, come closer. I gotta tell you something..." Richie mumbled, putting his hand on Eddie's arm.

"Yeah, what is it, Rich?" Eddie asked, moving closer to him and trying not to tear up. Richie swallowed some blood that was in his mouth so he could be heard somewhat clearly.

"Eddie, I think-" Richie started to cough. "I think...I'm in love with you-". Eddie smiled as some tears fell. He cupped Richie's face.

"Richie, I love you, I always have and I always will. Ever since I first saw you I had been in love with you" Eddie admitted. It felt like a huge weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. Richie struggled to see clearly, but it was clear enough to see Eddie's worried smile. Richie smiled through his pain, and before he knew it, the pain went away. Richie slowly fell limp into Eddie's arms and his smile faded.

"Richie- Richie, d-did you hear me? I love you, Rich" Eddie said, his voice shaking. "Richie? Richie... Oh Richie, please! Answer me Rich, please!" Eddie begged. He pulled Richie close, hugging his limp body.

ig that's the end lol??

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