Double Date With Louis

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Its was and awkward moment of silence until Liam broke it "So shall we keep walking?" then Louis looks to his right "Erm Lad I think two certain people already started walking" me and Liam looked to our right and we see Eileen and Zayn walking Awww how cute "Way to go lad" I hear Liam say I giggle "So I guess its just the three of us" I nod..great..

!•!Louis's POV!•! 

I swear Caroline and Eileen look so familiar...were..have I seen them....well never mind Liam told us all about Caroline its just I dont know why I feel so different when im around them especially Caroline....I cant be developing feelings that quick she's Liam's GirlFriend Im not that kind of on now... 

end of POV

^•^Zayn's POV^•^ 

"Thats Funny" Eileen says laughing "Well I try" I say and she giggles....... Liam left out one detail about Eileen that she's insanely beautiful and perfect well to me she is "So how long have you known Louis?" "We met when we both first auditioned for the X Factor" she nods "Let me hear you sing" she says wait.. "You've never heard our first album?" she shakes her head  "Ok i'll sing a song" she smiles and sits I sit next to her ok here I go "So C'-c-cmon you got it wrong to prove im right I put it in a s-s-song I don't know why your being shy and to the way when I look into your eyes" she smiles "Do you sing?" "Ermm a little..people think im good but im not.." "C'mon love let me hear you" I say and she nods "Im at a payphone trying to call home, all of my change i spent on you" she stops and chuckles "I know my voice its bad"  "No it wasn't, love you have a beautiful voice!" she blushes "I don't get why you don't have a record deal" "Well Caroline does haha she asked me to sing with her but I said no cos I have serious stage fright.." "I did to" "Then how'd you audition for the X Factor?" she asks "Courage" i answer she smiles then i smile "We should go back to the guys" she said i nod in agreement we walk back then Eileen's face went pale when she layed her eyes on Louis..whats wrong... 

end of POV

Eileen and Zayn came back then Eileen went pale as soon as she layed eyes on Louis...I know how she feels...when the three of us were best friends I used to have a major crush on him Eileen knew it to cos I made it obvious can this double date get any worse...ugh

^*^Liam's POV^*^ 

Eileen and Zayn came back then her face went pale as soon as she layed her eyes on Louis..Why was that...this is strange  

end of POV (Short I know😒)

"You alright love your pale?" Zayn asks Eileen nodded "Hmm Yea Im Fine" but she wasnt and Liam knew it too so did Zayn "No your not lets get you something to drink" he grabbed her hand and she smiled ok thats adorable. "He better not hurt her" Louis says...huh? "You just met her" i say lying "I dont know why i just feel like protective for her" he said same old Louis he was protective for the both of us "Babe you alright" Liam asks "Yea I am" "You sure?" "Yea im fine Liam" he kisses my cheek and Louis just stares...Great we have to continue our Double Date with Louis... 


I Know it sucked:(

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