Hatred..And Remembrance

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I wake up from the TV and I see Eileen's expression I move my head and look "Liam Payne and Caroline Savage big break up who's more devastated?" Obviously me but I dont know any more Im falling for Louis more and more each day, Then they showed pictures...of us both...from yesterday...a picture of me crying and one of him...crying...A warm tear fell across my cheek "Dont cry C" Eileen says "I need to check something.." I grab my phone and go on twitter and went to Liams tweets and read his recent one "Devastated...I think I made the wrong choice...:/ I lost her.." and I read the comment one said "You can do better she was a slut anyway." Oh ok...that stung one said "Aw. but you guys we so perfect." That made me half smile then one said "That bitch hurt dont worry I got your back Liam." I DIDNT DO ANYTHING! he..broke with me "A recent tweet from Liam saying 'Devastated...I think I made the wrong choice...:/ I lost her..' Liam and Caroline is officially over to the fans who shipped them Im sorry" I turn off the TV *ring*

Phone CONVO:

Me: Hello?

???: Caroline....um I was wondering if you want to hang out?

Me: Louis?

Louis: Yes?

Me: Oh haha ok I'll love to Eileen just left on her date with Zayn

Louis: Great! and they have really been hitting it off since they met

Me: I know!

Louis: Im on my way to your house right now

Me: Ok see you in a couple of minuets

he hangs up

and of CONVO

I guess this is good something to keep my mind of Liam. No im not using Louis I just need to set my mind straight right now

~5 minuets later

*knock knock* I get up and open the door and there is Louis

~Louis' POV~

I knock the door and Caroline opens it...jeezus....she's making it hard not to like her by wearing those booty shorts and tank top "Hi Louis" she says smiling "Hi Caroline" I say back "Ready?" she asks I nod and she closes the door behind her we start walking "So how you holding up?" I ask "Im better but not really" she says kind of upset "But thats good your holding up" I say "Yeah..I guess" she half smiles "Hey lets go to Big Ben" I say "Okay! I've haven't been there in ages!" she says I chuckle and we call a cab we get in and "Rock me" comes on and She tell the driver to turn it up "Hit the petal heavy metal show me you care" she sings....I dont know wot it is about her but there is something very familiar... have I met her before...No...Um never mind... "I want ya to rock me rock me yea!" She sings I chuckle "Alright Big Ben here we are" the driver said "Thank you how much?" Caroline asks "£2.99" she pulls her wallet out "Wait no I'll pay" I say "You sure?" she asks "Im postive" and I pay the man and we walk out and start walking we walked around big ben and took lots of pictures then he looks at the humangus Ferris Wheel "Want to go in?" I ask "Yeah but um im afraid of heights" she says embarrassed "Dont worry I'll protect you" I say all heroic and she giggles we walk in on of the ovals and stand as it moves and she looks at her phone and she starts tearing up "Love wots wrong?" she gives me her phone and i read...its all hate....and now...they're calling her a slut...I snap "THOOS NASTY BITCHES DONT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKIG ABOUT!!! Caroline your beautiful, funny, sweet, and your not a slut!" she looks at me and smiles the she hugs me I hug her back

~First Flash Back~

"LOUIS STAHP IT!" Caroline shouts I keep squirting her with the water gun "NEVER C'MON EILEEN!" I shout "OK LOU!" She shouts back

~end of Flash Back~ (I know short)

Whoa....what just happened...

end of POV



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