Chapter 2

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*Will contain some explicit language.*

Jason's POV

We're going into the third verse, but Shane completely zones out. Not again. Nate and I look to each other; I get closer to my mic and start to sing.

Been feeling lost

Can't find the words to say

Spending all the time stuck in yesterday

Where you are is where I wanna be

Next to you, you next to me


I need to find you


Nate and I sing the chorus together; the crowd cheers as the song ends.

"Thank you all for coming out," Nate says. "Good night!" The platform below us starts to decline; we hear the fans cheer as we get lower. Once we're at the bottom, Shane jumps off and runs toward our dressing room.

Shane's POV

I can't believe I zoned out, again! What the fuck is wrong with me?! I'm pacing back and forth with my hands on the back of my head. Shit, shit, shit, shit! Nate and Jason walk through the door; Jason stops me from pacing.

"Breathe," Jason says, softly. "Calm down and breathe." I start to breathe normally; Jason must've learned that from Ella. Jason leads me to the couch to sit down; Nate sits on the other side of me. I bury my face into my hands.

"Damn it," I mumble. "I said I was good; I don't know what happened."

"Was it Mitchie?" Nate asks. I look up at him.


"Before our performance, Jason got a notification about Mitchie disappearing. Then, you chose to sing 'Gotta find you,' a song you once sang to Mitchie."

"Sounds like it's about Mitchie," Jason says. I sigh, knowing they were both right. Suddenly, my phone starts to vibrate like crazy. I reach into my pocket and grab it; I see a bunch of Twitter notifications. I open Twitter to see that I've been tagged in multiple tweets.

Jessy Claire: Loved hearing @jasongray sing, but wtf happened with @shanegray???

Ben Trivel: @shanegray U good, bro? U completely froze up there

John Cameron: My lil sis went to the Connect 3 concert 2nite. Said @shanegray zoned out. IDK what that's about. Any info?

Ariana Snow: @JohnC24 I was there 2. They were singing "Gotta find you" when @shanegray suddenly zoned out. Thankfully, @jasongray and @nategray saved him.

I scoff at that last tweet; they 'saved' me? I toss my phone to the side and bury my face again. This is just great. Fucking great.

Mitchie's POV

I'm sitting on a park bench, contemplating what I should do next. Should I call my mom? No, she'll flip out on me. My manager? He'll definitely flip out on me. I have no options, no safety net to catch me. My career, as far as I'm concerned, is over Then, I suddenly got an idea. I take my phone out of my pocket; I punch the numbers into my phone. After two rings, there was an answer.

Brown: Brown Cessario, speaking.

Me: Hi, Brown. It's Mitchie Torres.

Brown: Oh! Well, hello stranger.

Me: *chuckles* It's been a while.

Brown: Yeah, 10 years to be exact. *chuckles*

Me: I'm calling because I wanted to ask you something.

Brown: And that would be?

Me: You think I could be a counselor this year?

Guys, go check out @jonasbrothersfan16's story "How The Jonas Brothers Saved My Life."

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