Losses and Gains.

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Clemintine POV

I wake up in a tent, again that means

I'm a boy ugh

Why can't life be simple? Going to school, having fun, making jokes. Instead of being in a apocalypse and switching bodies with a boy. "Hey Gabe! Meurtos are coming! Get ready... or Clem I don't know which one you are!" Javier yelled. "Clem!" I yelled back. We started getting packed we heard a gunshot and Mari came out of nowhere and the walkers were approaching fast and we got into their shitty van and left. After a half an hour of driving We found a new place, there wasn't much gas or food in their van so we went to search it. We found more gas and more food but after a while Marianna started feeling sick. "Are you sure your fine Mari?" Javi asked as she nodded. "Yeah, just a little sick." She answered back looking down. She then started coughing uncontrollably my eyes widened as I realized. "Clem you ok?" Kate asked. "Your bit?" I asked Mari.


Javi's eyes widened as Kate started crying I just looked down. Javi soon started crying as Marianna did "I'm sorry... I-I really am. I di-didn't want y-you guys to worry." She said crying even more "I don't wanna become one, Javi." She said looking down. Javi got up and looked down more tears went down him. I walk up to him. I look up as he looks down back. "I'll do it." I said. "You guys shouldn't have to shoot her. It's not right." "Are you sure?" Javi asked I just nodded. He handed me his gun as he went over to Kate. And Kate sobbed on his shoulder. "Any last words Mari?" I asked her. "Javi, I love you like a Dad, even if you weren't my own. Kate I loved you like my mother as well. I love you both so much. Will tell Gabe that he's the best brother anyone can ask for, and that I love him?" She said as she started coughing I heard Kate stutter out of course. "Te quiero Dad, Te quiero Mom, Te quiero Gabe," she finished.


Her head shot up to the bullet going through her and she goes limp. As her eyes slowly turn white. Still not moving. "I'm sorry." I say turning to them. I still heard Kate's sobs Javi still has tears in his eyes and lets go of Kate. He walks to Marianna's body and took something out of her pocket, it was a music player and headphones he then sees a shovel and walks towards it. He picks it up and starts digging. After about 35 minutes off crying and digging, her grave was complete. I pick Marianna's body up bridal style and lie it down in the grave I feel bad for them, it sucks losing someone that close. Javi takes the music player and headphones and puts the headphones on her head and flick the songs through and picks an up beat song, I don't know what one. But I'm guessing it's important. He then takes the dirt from the grave and buries her. "Come on, let's go." Javi said and placed the shovel down on the floor. And grabbed Kate and helped her in the van as I got in. "There's a place called Prescott. Not too far from here." I said. "Ok we'll head there." Javi said as he put the gas in the car and handed everyone food. I ate but Kate barely moved. "Hey, I know your upset Kate I am too. But, Marianna wouldn't want us to not eat." Javi said looking at her. "Yeah, I'm sorry it just sucks. An 12 year old dead. This world is fucked." She said opening the food and eating it. "It is" I chimed in. We began driving. For a while. Good 6-7 hours. And we set up Camp. I went to sleep. Today was just a gloomy day. I wake up a ways away from where I last was. I'm in my normal body and hear snoring and I looked over and I saw an old man with and eyepatch. "Kenny!" I yelled and wrapped into a hug after a while he woke up and noticed "good morning Clem, how's it going?" He asked. "Good as normal as it can be with switching bodies with a boy." I answered. "Also you bled yesterday out of your... y'know gabe didn't want to change cause he thought that would be rude. Why don't you change while I go hunting." He said smiling I smiled back "thanks." I said and moved away to clean up. I'm glad Kenny's back. But my other life isn't doing too good. I feel bad for Gabe, but he made it all the way here, with Kenny knowing he's a boy in my body, so it couldn't have been too bad.

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