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A/n.....I have no idea how college works so bear with me.

College was the last thing on your mind to be honest. You had never really wanted to attend, fearing the environment would be too much for you to handle. However, when you realized you could major in the two things you were most interested in, you decided to give it a try. When you went to schedule classes though, you needed a filler. You decided to take an astrophysics class with Professor Siebren de Kuiper. Why it seemed like a good idea, you have no idea, but it beat having to take a more popular class that would most certainly overwhelm you. After all, too many people in an area at once did freak you out. Anxiety. A blessing and a curse.

Unfortunately, due to your financial instability, you could not afford a dorm. You had your car at least. The back seat was comfortable enough and maybe you would meet a friend who would let you stay with them and their roommate for the winter, which was approaching rather quickly.

And here you were. Walking down the hall to your first astrophysics class. It was the class right before lunch so at least you had something to look forward to. You heard a bit about Professor de Kuiper. You heard he was an absolute genius, especially in this particular field. You also heard he was actively working as a scientist outside of his teaching job, which was why his classroom took up nearly half the building on the far side of the campus. This made it just a tad bit difficult to find the room as well. It didn't help that as you walked, you looked over your notes from your previous classes.

"First day of music history and I'm asked to start writing a song for my final." You paused and looked at a small note at the bottom of the page. "Music due by midterm. Great. Hopefully music theory isn't as bad. Conducting will be fun next semester." You closed that journal and opened the other. "Social psychology was interesting. I'm just glad I took nearly every psychology class I need to major, aside from these last few."

Back in high school, you didn't want to take any classes that wouldn't aid you in the future. With some convincing, you had managed to get out of doing classes such as band a choir and instead replaced those classes with a college class. You did this all 4 years, doing a different class every semester. The four you had on your schedule now were the only ones you had not completed. You never thought you would, but you needed to be smart about your future. Being a waitress wasn't getting you anywhere right now.

"Hopefully these books are  a bit more desc-"

You stopped talking when you ran into something. A small grunt left your body as you fell on your butt, dropping your notebooks and binder. It took you a second to register what had happened before looking to see what you hit. Your face turned a bit pink when you realize the thing you had run into was a person.

"Oh my, are you alright?" He asked as they looked to you.

Whoever he was, he was tall. Very tall. Your anxiety hated how tall he was, memories flooding your mind from just a few short months ago. You pushed them to the side though, giving him a nod before going to get your notebooks and binder.

"I don't recognize you. Are you new?" He asked, offering a hand to help you up.

You took it, doing your best not to drop your stuff as you stood.

"Y-yeah. Um, I'm trying to find the um, the astrophysics class. I just um...I'm not sure where I'm going." You were holding back the anxious feelings best you could. You didn't want to have a panic attack and embarrass yourself on the first day.

The man chuckled. "Well, you're in luck. I teach the class and would be happy to show you how to get there."

You had to hold back the shock. He was the professor?! Wow. What a great first impression. Running into the professor on your way to his class on the first day.

"Come. It's just a bit further down the hall." He told you and began to walk.

You hesitated a bit but followed. You tried not to walk right beside him, staying a bit behind and trying to erase what happened in your head. So many thoughts ran through your head. What if he told everyone what happened? What if he hates you now and is just hiding it?

"Right here." He showed you the open doorway to the room. "Pick a seat anywhere. I'm going to get coffee. I don't function well without it."

You quickly nodded and went into the room before he could say anything else. You for sure weren't going to sit in the front, however your thoughts stopped when you saw just how many open seats there were. Not another soul was in the room. Of course, you were nearly twenty minutes early, but your heart still skipped a beat. Seven rows, all going up. The most on the campus. No wonder he needed half a building. The classroom itself took up at least a fourth of his half!

You settled on a seat in the third row, one closer to the door in case you needed to leave quickly. It was then that you began to look over your notes from your other classes again. You figured now was a good time to start trying to figure out how to write a song in eighteen weeks.


Seven. That's how many were in this class. The smaller class, much to your liking. The largest was nearly forty-five. The only thing was, there were only two girls. You were one of the two. The other girl seemed to know the others fairly well, all of them sitting near each other and joking around. At least you didn't have to interact with them.

"Alright, if I might have your attention." Professor de Kuiper suddenly said. Silence filled the room and a smirk appeared on his face. "As you might have figured out, I am Professor de Kuiper and I will be teaching you all astrophysics for this school year."

You began writing, starting with his name so you wouldn't forget it. Like you could at this point. You added everything he spoke about, including supplies you would need and what to expect. It took him nearly half an hour to get all of it out. You made a mental note to get more notebooks, along with the extra supplies you now had to get. A soft sigh escaped your mouth. How were you going to afford all this?

"You all may socialize for the remainder of the class." He suddenly announced.

You looked at your watch. You had at least an hour left! Why would he give his students so much time to socialize?!

You watched as he went to his desk, grabbing a small stack of papers and beginning to write on them. A small realization hit you. He was a scientist so he must have science stuff to do. It made sense to do it this class period too. Fewer students meant less noise. Less noise meant it would be easier to focus.

Perhaps this could be used to your own advantage as well. A time to do homework or take a nap. After filling half a journal with notes about the class, you were ready for a nap. Not today though. You didn't want to send the wrong message. Not on the first day.

"This will be fun." You mumbled to yourself, looking to your professors desk...

Only to see he was looking right at you.

Professor (Sigma x Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now