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(A/n) Sorry for the skip but nothing interesting happens between the last chapter and now. Enjoy!

This was it. The last day of the first semester. It had been an interesting time for you. For once in your life, you were starting to figure out who you were. Who you really were. It wasn't just being at college though. Professor de Kuiper was a huge help in your change. He was your shoulder to cry on and your go to for just about everything. Including housing. Yes, you now stayed with your professor since you couldn't afford a dorm. He was great company, always having something to say or do. You couldn't count the number of times you two had played board games instead of doing work, or stayed up until one in the morning talking about anything that comes to mind. It felt nice. You just felt a bit bad. You had yet to break your vaping habit, often smoking  near the open window after he had gone to bed or went out for groceries. You wanted to stop but couldn't, and you didn't want to tell him about your habit.

Now, however, you stood at the doors that lead in an out of the school. The final bell had sounded and everyone else had left. Not you though. You didn't want to leave. Derek was waiting at his house. He was waiting for you to come in the front door by tomorrow evening. You knew he'd be pissed if you didn't show up. God, what would he do to you? Siebren wouldn't be able to protected you...Would he?

"You coming?" A familiar voice suddenly asked, making you jump. "Easy. It's just me."

"S-sorry Siebren. Just...Overthinking again. You know how I am." You faked a laugh to keep him from worrying.

He shot you a look to show he wasn't buying it. You should have known this was going to happen. He knew you too well at this point, and you weren't very good at hiding things around him.

"We'll talk when we get home." He said before beginning to walk to his car. You followed, of course. He was now your ride to and from school to save you some gas money. "You can't keep hiding things. Remember, you can always talk to me."

"I know professor. I'm just adjusting to this. I've never been able to talk to someone about everything before." You shot him a quick smile, even though you knew he wouldn't see. "Its...nice."

A soft chuckle came from him. You couldn't see, but you could feel the smile on his face. It was the little moments like this. These were the ones that made you want to stay close to him. Why you felt safe around him. Even in the smallest moments, he didn't change. He didn't fake being polite and be someone completely different behind your back. He was himself.

"I'm glad to hear that." He paused to get in his car, waiting until you were in the passenger's seat before speaking again. "You've become so much happier in the past few weeks. I'm proud of you."

Those words made your heart flutter. He was happy because you were happy! How sweet of him! No one had ever said that to you before!

"Thank you. I've really been working to improve on myself." You smiled. "You helped me a lot."

You noticed his face turn a little pink. This happened quite often actually. You always pretended not to notice though. You were certain your professor wasn't doing it for no reason. It was uncontrollable and usually meant something.

Siebren simply cleared his throat before getting a thanks out and starting the drive home. As usual, you put your earbuds in and listened to your playlist. It had changed quite a bit, especially the past few days. Your new music interest did help out with your music classes though. It's also what made you start to really put together your song.

You had a bit of a twist up your sleeve though. You knew something no one else in your class did when it came to lyrics. You were certain this would make it very hard for them to steal your song. After all, it had happened to students in the past. You would just need to do a lot of harmonizing with yourself. You could probably get that done tonight after work while Siebren is asleep. You were a bit self conscious about your voice.

Professor (Sigma x Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now