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Class couldn't have gone by any slower. It felt like an eternity before the bell rang and you were dismissed. At some point in time, your professor had called a couple of the students over to his desk, talking to them for a minute before they returned to their seats. You didn't think too much of it. They acted as if they already knew him so perhaps he was just seeing how they were. You would have tried to listen in but you had slipped your earbuds in, using your playlists to come up with song ideas. Every now and then you would jot down a few notes to keep the beat in your mind.

You now walked out of the class, earbuds still in. You knew you had a lot of work to do once you had access to your laptop again. It had been years since you last wrote a song. Maybe you could finish the last one you started? You'd just have to find the sheet music first. You hadn't touched it since..well...

A sudden tap on your shoulder made you turn around, pulling a earbud out of your ear. Behind you was the girl from class. She had shoulder width blonde hair and was wearing quite a bit of makeup. You were almost certain she was the popular girl in high school.

"Hi! I'm Jane! Professor de Kuiper said you were new here and that I should get to know you." She told you.

"Oh, um, (y/n)." You gave a small nod. Is that what he had called her and the other students over for?

"Oh, and from experience. I know he makes everything sound complicated in the syllabus and all but he's actually really good at speaking stupid. I took his trigonometry class last year and passed with an A. I usually level out to a D in the simplest of classes." Jane told you. "He wanted me to explain that to you. Said you looked really nervous when he was speaking."

"Thanks." You said softly. "But I'm not nervous about that. This is my first time away from..." You paused before speaking again, "home, in a long time."

"It's alright. This place is pretty good at making you feel at home away from home. The dorms are super nice, especially the ones in the building beside this one. That's where mine is."

A rich girl. Good to know.

"Cool. Well, I've got to get my laptop and start working on stuff. I already have homework." You just didn't feel like talking to her anymore.

"Oh no problem!" Jane handed you a piece of paper. "Here's my number and social medias if you need me for anything." 

You took it and nodded. "Alright. Thanks." You simply said before putting your earbud back in and walking away.


Working on the song was a bit easier than you thought. Once you had the tempo down it was just a matter of coming up with notes and words. Words were the hard part though. You couldn't seem to come up with anything that you thought would fit the song. The heat from your car didn't help. You didn't feel like being forced to eat in the cafeteria though so the heat would do for now.

"I guess words can wait." You mumbled to yourself after a bit. You had the melody of the song at least and still needed to get a harmony and instruments in there and had the entire school year to come up with words. You looked at your phone to check the time. "Half an hour until my next class. Nothing wrong with showing up early I guess."

You packed up your laptop, deciding to take it with you. At least now, you could start working on getting the rest of your project when you have time. You did have a break between this class and your last one for the day. Maybe you could work in the library. That or find stuff to read.


Once you made it to the library, it was very empty. Second class after lunch was when most students were in class. The few that didn't were most likely in their dorms. They were lucky.

"Alright. Let's see what I can do." You said softly to yourself as you sat at a table.

Instantly, you put your earbuds in, deciding to experiment with a few sounds you had made previously. Unfortunately, as you worked with them, you realized that they didn't fit what you had in mind and couldn't be edited to do so.

You were so focused that you didn't realize someone had been approaching you. A sudden hand on your shoulder startled you and, out of habit, you curled up in a ball, shielding your head. Your earbuds fell out in the process.

"I'm sorry!" You yelled, not knowing who it was.

"Whoa. It's alright. I promise, I don't hit my students."

It was Professor de Kuiper.

You slowly came out of your defensive position, looking to your professor. He looked about as tense as you, hands up as his body leaned back slightly to show he meant no harm. Great. Two in one day.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry professor." You looked down for a moment before going back to your computer.

It was silent for a moment before he set a book down beside you. "This has helped some of my students in the past. I can see you have not taken any classes recommended to take before astrophysics."

"Thank you. I'll go through it when I have a free moment this week." Your voice was a bit shaky. You couldn't believe you did that. You thought you had gotten over it.

"I appreciate it." He moved so you could see him, standing behind a chair. "And, if you ever need to talk about anything going on, our guidance counselor is available to talk anytime."

"Thanks for the offer but I'm fine, really." You told him, grabbing your earbuds to put them back in.

He gave you a nod before leaving, stopping to talk to the librarian before he left though. You could only imagine what he had to be telling her. I mean, who could just leave after making a student scream in fear. 

Maybe college wasn't right for you.

Professor (Sigma x Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now