A Formed Bond

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The drive to Siebren's house was quick. You had followed him there, via his instructions, arriving within five minutes. His house was oddly average sized. You expected him to have a mansion of some sort. Everyone knew he was a millionaire. Companies literally paid him to do research. Hell you were certain NASA was donating enough to pay his bills!

"Sorry if the house is a mess. I haven't really cleaned up in a while." He quickly apologized after opening the door. He stepped out of your way, allowing you to go in first. "After you."

You gave him a slight not, stepping into the house. It was actually rather tidy, much like his office. There was a set of stairs to the right, living room to the left. He did have some really nice things. What surprised you most was how new it looked. No wallpaper falling off the wall. No mold on the ceiling and hiding in the corners. Clean. 

"Wow." You smiled. "This is...a luxury."

Siebren chuckled, "It's not much."

You turned to him, the biggest smile on your face. Realization was hitting you. "I've never been inside a house this nice! I-it's amazing!"

He laughed a little bit and closed the door behind him. He was amused at how excited you were about his home. The way you looked around with the brightest smile. It was precious. Almost hard to believe just a few short hours ago, you were having a mental breakdown.

"Come on. I'll show you the guest bedroom." He suddenly said after hanging his coat up.

You nodded and followed him up the stairs. God this house was so nice compared to your one bed one bath house you grew up in. Having to share a room with your dad was rough and to this day, you wished you had said something to someone about it.

As suspected, the room was also rather big, a queen sized bed was in the center with a nightstand to the right by the window. Everything was neatly placed and clean. You nearly pinched yourself. There was no way this was real. No way! This was all to yourself?! Your own room! Your own personal space!

You dropped your stuff on the floor and hugged Siebren tight. "Thank you professor! I've never had my own space before! This is amazing!"

He couldn't help but hug you back, chuckling softly. Cute. That's what he thought of you right now. You were so cute. Your smile was cute. Your happy voice was cute. You were cute. Absolutely precious.

"I know. Now get yourself settled in while I start on dinner." He told you.

You nodded and grabbed your things from the floor, bringing them to the bed to see what you had. You knew everything would need washed but it was best to go through it all first. You didn't notice your professor watching you for a second. Just seeing you happy made him get butterflies. It was a nice feeling.


For a decent hour or so, you sat on the bed. You had your laptop up, working on getting your song made. You had everything now. All the melodies, harmonies, instruments. Just no words yet. You did love how it was coming along though. It was a more upbeat song with just a hint of the relaxing tone. Not quite something to dance to but not quite something to just sit and listen to either.

A light knock on the open door made you look up from your work. You smiled when you saw Siebren standing there and took your earbuds out of your ears.

"Time for dinner." He said to you.

Your smile grew bigger and you saved your file before closing your laptop and hopping off the bed to head downstairs. For the first time in your life, you were comfortable. You felt safe and happy. It felt nice.

The second you got downstairs, the smell filled the air. It smelled like heaven.

"I made krokets. I figured you would not like herring." He said to you and handed you a plate with a few small krokets on it. "There's more on top of the stove if you would like more. I didn't give you a lot to start off just in case you don't like them."

You nodded and went to take a seat at the dining room table. At this point, you were certain this would taste as good as it smelled. There was no way it wouldn't.

"Just be careful, they are hot."

You nodded and took a bite, being cautious as to not burn your mouth. You were right. It tasted as good as it smelled if not better. It was fantastic! You'd never had something so good in your life! If they weren't so hot, you definitely would have scarfed them down.

Siebren sat down across from you, his herring with onions on his plate. You couldn't help but watch the Dutch man as he lifted it up by the tail and took a bite. For some reason, it was intriguing. You didn't stare too long though, going back to focusing on your own food. Once that was done, you went up to get more.

"You like them?" Siebren asked, a smile on his face.

You quickly nodded, half a kroket in your mouth. You didn't care if you looked silly right now. You had never had something this good. Nor can you say you've ever been able to eat this much. It felt nice. Good food. Good house. Better company.

Siebren definitely felt the butterflies again. He absolutely loved seeing you like this -- especially after seeing you at one of your lowest points. He loved knowing he was able to make you smile and feel this happy over something as simple as food.

"Can you reheat these? I want to take some with me to work tomorrow." You suddenly asked him, snapping him back into reality.

"Hm? OH!-Yes, of course! I'll make sure to save some for you!"

You couldn't be happier to hear those words. Not just that you could take these to work, but that he was saving some for you. God you couldn't help the bubbly feeling now. Happy. You felt happy. For the first time since God knows when, you felt happy!

"Thank you so much!" You were just lighting up right now.

This had to be one of the best days of your life.


After dinner, you helped clean up before heading upstairs to get your pajamas on. Alone. No one watching you. Goddammit it felt amazing! No eyes on you as you undressed. A room to yourself. Food that didn't taste like it had been in the trash all day. Paradise.

The day couldn't have been better either. It was Friday, so you could sleep in tomorrow! That's when it hit you. You could take a hot shower tomorrow and not have to worry about anything! Yeah sure it was nice to shower at Jane's dorm but she always seemed to silently rush you. There was no way your professor would rush you. Oh what a day tomorrow would be.

"(Y/n), I'm heading to bed. If you need anything, I'm across the hall." Siebren suddenly said from the other side of the door.

"Alright. Thank again for letting me stay!" You still sounded so happy.

"Anytime. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight professor!"

You couldn't help but feel giddy about all of this. It was happening! You were living a dream! Well, somewhat. Your dream was to have a house of your own, much like this one but smaller. After all, you thought you would be living alone in your future. You didn't really want another boyfriend, fearing you would be treated like crap again, so why not just live alone?

It suddenly hit you.

"I've got it!" You practically shouted, silently apologizing afterward as you grabbed a pen and paper.

You finally had the words to your song.

(A/n) Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter but I'm trying to work my way to the good stuff without skipping ahead too much and it's not working! 

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