Charatale: Episode 4

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Darkness.... nothing but Darkness... This feels familiar somehow. Chara's SOUL had been shattered by the hands of the Masked Man. They had been shot. The SOUL was at the brink of disappearing, life was escaping their grasp, the SOUL was about to give out...

But it refused...

Wake up...

???: CHARA!

Chara jolts awake.

Frisk: Hey, buddy. It's me.

Chara: Frisk...? What the... where are we?

Frisk: Huh? We're in your room. You were having a nightmare so I... came to wake you up. That's not weird, is it?

Chara: N- no, of course not.

Chara looks at the alarm clock beside their bed.

Chara: 3:27 AM? What the... what the hell is happening?

Frisk: I'm sorry... uh. Do you want me to leave?

Chara: No it's just... I'm having the weirdest case of Deja Vu right now. Didn't we already have this conversation?

Frisk: Chara... you're still half asleep. Look let's just go to sleep, 'kay? You'll feel better in the morning.

Chara: Wait! Frisk, what day is it today?

Frisk: It's November 30. Your birthday. You're really freaking me out, Chara. I'm gonna go back to my room. We'll plan your birthday in the morning, alright?

Chara: Sure...

Frisk: Alright. See you in the morning, birthday child.

Frisk leaves Chara's room, leaving Chara to question what happened.

Chara: What the hell just happened. I got shot by that man and... I'm suddenly here earlier in the day.

Wait... I shouldn't question this for now. I should go and save Shyren. If I really DID go back in time, then I should do the right thing.

Chara falls asleep, it's the morning after what had just transpired, and Chara and Frisk sit on the table and plan for Chara's party.

Frisk: Alright, I've already sent an invitation to all of our friends. I even invited Jerry because why not. Sans, Papyrus and Undyne are in charge of stand-up, Mettaton, Napstablook and Shyren are in charge of the halftime show and-

Chara: Hey, Frisk? Do you wanna... go out with me?

Frisk suddenly acts flustered

Frisk: Wha-? Where did THAT come from all of a sudden?!

Chara: I don't know... It's just that I have to run some errands over by this marketplace for my party, y'know, and I just thought that we could maybe...

Frisk: O- Of course! I still need to buy you a gift and all... but are you sure you really wanna go out with... me...?

Chara: Do you not wanna?

Frisk: Of course I do, you just... caught me off guard.

(Chara: Perfect. Now I just have to wait until that man walks into that alley with Shyren.)

Frisk: Well. Do you wanna... go now?

Chara: Pffft... come on already, I'm starving.

Frisk: Okay then... *Laugh*

Hours Later... Chara is on the same bench, waiting for Frisk, and more importantly, for Shyren.

Chara: Where is she?

Charisk: CharataleWhere stories live. Discover now