Charatale: Episode 22

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Frisk, Undyne and Alphys exit a Movie Theater. The "Now Showing:" sign only says "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie: The Movie 3"

Undyne: So? How was it?

Alphys: Frisk, come on! We NEEEEEED your honest opinion!

Frisk: I- I don't know. I guess you guys were right...?

Undyne: It totally sucked right?!

Alphys: Yeah, the producers already screwed up with Mew Mew 2! They should've cut their losses instead of making that ABOMINATION of a quote-on-quote "movie".

Frisk: I don't know guys. I'm not as good a movie critic as you two. I also never really got into Mew Mew and-

Undyne: Hold on...

Alphys: You never got into MEW MEW?!

Undyne: Frisk, why're we still friends?!

Frisk starts to water up

Frisk: I'm... sorry.

Alphys: O- Oh no, Frisk! We're sorry, we didn't mean it!

Undyne: Y- Yeah, we were just teasing! You're the greatest friend ever, Frisk!

Frisk: Oh, s- sorry for ruining the mood guys. I know how much Mew Mew means to ya'll — ehehe...

Undyne grabs Frisk and hugs them. Alphys follows.

Undyne and Alphys: Gomen'nasai, Furisuku-chan!

Frisk: Ahahaha — Guys, let go! I'm ticklish!

Undyne lifts Frisk up and places them on her shoulders.

Frisk: Undyne! *Laugh* What're you doing?

Undyne: We're gonna go home! Your mom's probably worried sick!

Frisk: Hahaha — we can just take a taxi! Besides, how about Alphys?

Undyne grabs Alphys and carries her.

Alphys: W- Woah, Undyne...!

Undyne: Hold on tight! I'm goin' MACH EIGHT!

Undyne starts sprinting. Alphys is covering her red face while Frisk is whooping with delight.


The Surface - FIB Headquarters

Agent: Sir...

Robert: *Sigh* What is it...?

Agent: Reports have come in from yesterday. Demon attacks have almost quadrupled since the first report.

Robert slams the desk with his fist.

Robert: Goddamnit! We already have too much on our plate. We can't handle anymore cases — the budget just won't allow it!

Agent: Sir, I understand that you're angry, but we can't just keep turning these cases down. These monsters have families too.

Robert: ...

Agent: Speaking of families, Mrs. Snowy is asking to speak with you.

Robert: Tell her to talk to one of the other agents.

Agent: S- Sir, she's right outside the door...

Robert: And you tell me NOW?

Agent: I apologize. We tried stopping her, we really did, but she just wouldn't leave. She's been at the lobby for hours and everyone's on edge due to her aggression towards the staff.

Robert: I don't give a damn. You go ahead and tell her that we're trying our best, and that her stupidity won't get her anywhere.

Agent: Sir, I can't just turn her down...

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