Chapter One

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Six Months Later 

Camber POV 

"Camber, wake up." The lights come on, and I moan, turning my head, so it's in the pillow. 

"Five more minutes." I groan, trying my best to get away from the blinding light. 

"No. Mrs. Perci sent me to wake you up. We have a group meeting after breakfast today." The girl is now standing beside me. Without opening my eyes, I know that her purple hair is already fixed perfectly in its pixie cut, the color being a shocking difference from her porcelain skin. She's tiny, but has an energetic, almost demanding aura about her. 

"Tell her I'm not hungry." I've given up on getting more sleep, but it's still worth a shot. 

"Camber. Leewood. Ass up. Now." I roll my eyes, but still manage to sit up. "Whatever, Haz." Hazelle Michaels, otherwise known as Haz is my roommate here, in the Treatment Resort, in Pennsylvania. She has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and anorexia; not different from Josh. Josh. Thinking of him, a pang shoots through my chest, but I try to smile through it. 

"Mrs. Perci, also told me to tell you, your big ass family is planning to visit you this afternoon. "She sits on the corner of my bed, and sticks her pierced tongue out at me. She always teased me about the size of my foster family; she was an only child back when she lived with her abusive step dad and prostitute of a mom. 

"Yeah." Mrs. Perci had told me this last night, that they were going to make the two hour drive to visit me, and I had the chance to get off of campus. It would be the first time I would see them, since I got admitted four months ago. I was excited for the chance, but at the same time a little nervous. 

"Are you nervous?" She raises an eyebrow at me, curious. She's never had a family visit, in the two years that she's been here. Her mom supposedly hated her for going to the police about her step dad, and her step dad, was obviously in jail. 

"A little bit." I admit, running a hand absentmindedly through my short black hair. I cut my long locks after first being admitted here. I wanted a new identity. A fresh, clean slate, so to speak. 

"Well, you won't get to see them if you don't follow schedule." This was true. If you didn't follow your given schedule the day of the visit, they had the power to cancel the visit. 

"Fiiine." I sigh exaggeratedly, and get up out of my torturously comfortable bed. Haz stays on my heels as I go through my morning routine of brushing my teeth and hair, getting dressed, and taking my medication. When I'm finished and have slipped on my comfortable black loafer styled shoes. 

We head out of the room together, and walk down the hall, to the cafe area. People are sitting around, some in groups, some alone. I smile and wave to a few people, before going over to the counter, and grabbing an apple and a honey bun. 

Going over to the table that Haz's at, I sit across from her, next to Shae. Shae is mute, like I used to be. He nods his head in acknowledgment that I'm there, then continues to pick absently at his oatmeal. His black shaggy hair covers his eyes, and down to the base of his neck. He was the second person I met here, after Haz. Next to Shae, is Lola, with neon pink hair and a black underlayer on her bangs. She's been here about as long as Haz, and when she first got here, she was in the mental clinic in the front building, for several suicide attempts, and 'being a harm to herself.' Shortly after getting here, she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. 

"Cam! Mrs. Perci was looking for you, she told me to tell you to hurry up and eat, then go to her office." Lola smiles widely at me, her pink hair in little girl pigtails. 

I finish up my honey bun, and leave with my apple in hand. Haz waves bye to me, and I feel Shae's curious, green, cat like eyes on my back. I'm normally not the one being called to Mrs. Perci's office. None of the 'mutes' are. 

I pad down the short corridor until I get to the door leading outside. Opening it, I step outside into the courtyard. There are a few people from different buildings there, socializing before the day officially starts.. I don't stop to talk to any of them, but a slightly crazy pyromaniac named Kiv yells hey to me, and I roll my eyes. 

I get to the main office building, and locate Mrs. Perci's immediately. 

The door is open, and when Mrs. Perci sees me, she smiles, her white teeth contrasting greatly from her olive complexion. 

"Hello Camber, how are you today?" She tilts her head appropriately, and gestures for me to sit in the empty chair across from her. 

"I'm good." I stay with the simple, not elaborating at all. After being here for several months, Mrs. Percy has learned not to ask me to. It's better this way. 

"That's good. Now, about your family visit today. How are you feeling about that?" She raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow in question. 

"Umm.." I trail off, fidgeting. "I guess you could say that I'm nervous. I mean it is the first time I'm seeing them." I shrug it off, trying to sound nonchalant, when in reality, I was a ball of nerves, strung tightly. 

"Mhm, sure. Camber, you can't lie to me. I've been on your file since you first got here, and I'm a close consultation with your doctor." She knows me too well, and I look down guiltily. 

"Truth is...I'm nervous as hell. I didn't fall asleep until 4:30 in the morning, I can't eat, and I feel like they're going to be disappointed in me. I'm especially nervous to see him. Mrs. Percy, help me, I'm scared."

*So...whataya think? I wasn't going to upload this until January...and this might be the only chapter I upload until January but idk...I hope you guys liked it! Give me your feedback? Also, I'm curious. Who's your favorite story book character? I'm doing a story on story book characters in the near future. Also, I have a joint account, and the username is @ChasingCamber we have a new story coming soon! fan us? c; Also, my hair is blue now ;P

I love y'all...I would've never made it this far without you guys...


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