The Day Killer - Part 4

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The boy began to sense changes around him.

It was only the weather or his own physical health he had miraculously, and gladly, acquired. The man seemed to have changed, as well, both physically and mentally.

The man had started to lose his and wrinkles began appearing on his skin. The boy thought it odd since the man should have been only in his mid-thirties, and these physical changes presented themselves quite quickly and frequently.

Mentally, the man seemed slower, even exhausted at times. He had stopped winning in games of chess, though at first the boy attributed this fact to his own improving skill.

The man had just lost another game of chess. The boy felt uncomfortable winning, for he had felt as he had not been playing with the man, but with a mere shadow representation if the him.

"Are you not well?", the words left the boy mouth slowly - it was ridiculous to think that this brilliant man was in any way no longer himself.

But the man just stared quietly at the boy, the light in his eyes fleeting, and after a while showed him his old sad smile again.

The boy went to bed with an uneasy feeling. He laid awake for a long while, haunted by the man's sad smile. He hasn't seen it in a long time. He had then succumbed to his own exhaustion and slowly fell out of consciousness.

The boy's slumber was disturbed by a loud noise, a bang, as if something had shattered violently.

He tried to fight his way back to consciousness , but to no avail. His body would not wake.
He was fast asleep.

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