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Beautiful chapter aesthetics of the party scene by prettyimbecile <33

Beautiful chapter aesthetics of the party scene by prettyimbecile <33

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Everything was beginning to blend together, I don't know how it happened but I was mixed in with the sweat of the crowd, dancing with a stranger in the middle of the room.

"You've got some moves firecracker." I remembered that nickname from somewhere and turned to see Daemon, the person I'd been grinding on for the past few minutes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked shocked, standing rigid as everyone else moved around us.

"Am I not allowed to party?" He brought his purple cup to his lips, clearly a bit tipsy but that wasn't even what I noticed. The corner of his eyes were a bit red, a glazed look on his features as he gave me a carefree smile.

"Are you high right now?" It was supposed to come out high pitched and shocked but for some reason I felt relaxed, laughing at myself for asking the obvious.

"I could say the same about you." He laughed along with me, gripping my waist as we danced to the beat of hardcore music.

Time passed and I suddenly felt hot and in need of fresh air. "Hey, do you know where outside is?" I asked who I thought was Daemon, but when I turned around I was met face to face with Dagger.

Dagger the pervert.

"When did you get here?" I grunted out, still not liking him from our last encounter. I tried looking over his shoulder for Daemon but he was nowhere to be found.

"Daemon said I should watch over you while he gets more alcohol," he stated, about to touch me but I slapped his hand away.

"I don't need a babysitter."

Suddenly craving some more brownies, I left Dagger in pursuit, my eyes scanning the environment for the kitchen.

Once found, I headed in that direction, glad to be rid of the sticky bodies constantly touching mine from time to time. Where was Michie?

I hadn't seen her since she dragged Martin out of the kitchen. I wonder what that was about.

My thoughts were distracted by the sight of those delicious brownies and I helped myself to two more. Weed brownies. Cool!

Downing it with some more punch, I finally decided to look for Michie. Tracing the direction she went in, I found myself in a long hallway, empty of any life form.

There were doors stitched to the log walls, a total of five with two at each side and one at the end of the hall.

I went to the first door and pressed my ear. Silence. This happened till I got to the third door. I heard some grunting coming from the other side and the delight that emanated within me didn't let me think twice before I opened the door.

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