Chapter 15

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Ayuan, Jingyi, and Jinling are already crying.
That makes Wen Rouhan pissed off.

"Will you three shut up of else I will end you this time!!!" He shouted.

On the other hand. Sean's group preparing for the attack the place their car a meters away from the building.

Sean prepare his knuckles and click his hand as their signal.
Sean walk calmly on the entrance.
He attack those goons hitting their vital lead them to fall asleep.
He cleared all the hall way and check every room after reaching the final room a guy shouted "An intruder!!!"
And picked up his gun but before he pull the trigger Sean shooted him already in the forehead.
And start shooting those who tried to fight back.
Seeing blood everywhere make him licked his lips.

He kicked the door and a laugh welcome him.

"Hahahahahha who are you young man??" Wen rouhan asked to him.

"Your nightmare."Sean said with cold tone and walked closer

"Don't come near or else I ll shoot this child and picked on of them and pointed a gun
Unfortunately the child he picked up is A yuan.

"A yuan!!!! No!!! Gege" the two shouted when they see ayuan.
A yuan already turn pale and start crying.

"Put. Him.down" Sean said and looked at him

"Hahahahaha why would I??
Young man you meddling others business did you know that?? And who the hell are you" Wen rouhan asked

" Wen Rouhan wen rouhan
Why are you so forgetful huh you didn't know me already?? Tsk.. tsk... tsk" Sean said playing with his gun.

"Did you already forget the child you've been chasing before??" Ge asked again.

Wen Rouhan trembled " No no this cant be!!!! You already dead before!!!" He shouted and point the gun to Sean.

" HAHAHAHAHAH Dead????? You said dead!! Well you stupid" Sean laugh like lunatic.

"How come you survive there??!! The building.... the building....!!" Rouhan said shuttering. He become uneasy

Sean uses that time to pull those kids and and run out but he suddenly halted when Rouhan shouted

"GIFT YOU DESERVE TO DIE!!!" Wen rouhan shouted and pointed then gun to him but before he pull the trigger Sean already shoot him straight to his heart while hugging the three kids not letting them see what happen. Lucky his gun has a silencer.

"Are you three okay??" He asked when they finally went out.

He glance at A yuan who is crying a glimpse of tear appeared in his eyes.
He pulled them an another hugs

"Its okay its done now" he console them.

Sean's groups who watching the whole scene cant stop their tears and smile
"Finally" they said in a chorus.

After they rescued Ayuan and his cousins they immediately went to the village where Xiao mansion is.

They stopped their car in the dark. Sean faced them
"We're here now go back to your family" he said and smile to them.

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