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Emma, Brooke, Snow White, Aurora and Mulan were making their way back to the village together, "I don't know if I can do this, I'm not a very good liar," Aurora said.

"It's not really a lie," Emma said.

"Lancelot did die an honorable death and Cora did escape, all true," Snow White said.

"Just leave the particulars to us," Brooke said.

"There's no reason to cause unnecessary panic amongst your people," Snow White said.

"I'm not so sure it's unnecessary," Aurora said.

"Wait," Mulan said and everyone stopped, looking at her, "The tower, we always have sentries guarding the entrance, stay close," She said as she removed her sword.

They walked towards the village and saw that everyone was dead, "Oh my god," Brooke whispered.

"This can't be, our land... We were protected here, hidden. How did the ogres find us?" Mulan asked.

Snow White looked at the bodies and saw holes in their chest, "Ogres didn't do this," Snow White said, "Cora did, their hearts have been ripped out. This was her magic twisted and evil. We have to stop her."

"Too late, she killed them. She killed them all," Mulan said.

"No, we have to stop her before she hurts anyone else," Brooke said.

"Hey, hey, look," Emma said and tapped her sisters arm pointing to a hand moving under bodies, "Someone's there, Brooke."

"Right," Brooke nodded and they go over then start removing bodies off whoever is under them.

"Help... Please," They heard a voice.

"It's okay," Snow said as they removed everything. Brooke froze looking at the man, Hook, "It's okay, you're safe now. We won't hurt you."

Brooke walked away from them and leaned against a tree, "Thank you, thank you," The man said.

Aurora walked to Brooke, "Brooke?" Brooke looked at her, "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just getting used to all of this... Is rather... Difficult," She said and glanced at Hook as Snow White walked over.

"What's wrong? You saw him and froze," Snow White said.

"I'm fine, I think it was the smell of blood... Made my stomach turn," Brooke said with a forced smile.

"I can understand that," Aurora said and looked at Snow White, "We'll be over soon, I'll unnerve her... I'm almost the same."

"Okay, thank you Aurora," Snow White said.

"So, is it just the blood?" Aurora asked.

"Yes," Brooke nodded.

"I'll get you some water," Aurora walked to the table and picked up a flask of water from Mulan before walking back to Brooke, "Here you okay," She handed it over.

"Thank you," Brooke said and sipped.

"Take a few deep breaths and join us when you've calmed down," Aurora walked over.

"Is she okay?" Emma asked Aurora.

"Yes, the smell of blood turned her stomach," Aurora said.

"But she's a deputy," Emma said.

"Must be the hole in the heart," Hook said and looked at Brooke as she walked over, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine... Thank you," She said with a smile, "So... What I miss?" She whispered to Emma.

Captain is Here [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #2 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now