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Hook made his way to the library, "Finally where have you been?" Regina asked.

"Sorting something out, now shall we?" Hook said and they walked inside to the elevator, "This is why it's a two-man job? You need me to lower you?" Hook asked.

"No, that's how it used to be, before magic," Regina said and used magic to open up the elevator, they walk in and she used magic to close the elevator.

The elevator soon stopped and they walked into the tunnels under Storybrooke, "You ever wonder if this constant pursuit for revenge is the reason we have no on who cares for us? I mean, when all this is over and I know the crocodile is dead, for good and all, I don't have much to look forward to. My life will be empty, revenge may sate your being, but don't misunderstand me, my dead. It's an end, not a beginning," Hook told her.

"For you, maybe, not me. I have Henry, and destroying Storybrooke? Well that seems like a small price to pay to allow us to live in peace," Regina answered and Hook nodded, lifted his arm up a little and pointed at the cuff on his wrist, that helped him and Brooke climb up the beanstalk. Regina looked at the cuff, "Where did you get that? It belonged to my mother."

"Yes, well, she enchanted it so I could climb the beanstalk in our world... She, uh," Hook started.

"I don't care why she gave it to you. It was hers and I want it back," Regina told him.

"You plan to blow this town off the map, and you're worried about a scrap of cowhide?" Hook asked her.

"She was my mother," Regina snapped slightly.

"Well, she was my friend," Hook said.

"Hardly," Regina scoffed, Hook shrugged and showed his wrist again for Regina to remove the cuff then placed his on her wrist, "Now follow me closely," Regina said and they walked into a large cage.

"Precarious, you couldn't have just hid the trigger in the back of your wardrobe?" Hook questioned.

"It had to be both well-hidden and well-guarded," Regina told him, "I put it somewhere no one would would ever think I'd go."

"You know, you say well-guarded," Hook said and looked around, "Who's guarding it? I don't see anyone..."

"A friend, she's been through a lot. There's a powerful spell here that sustains her in whatever form she's in," Regina told him, "In fact, Hook, she's the reason why this is a 2-man job," She added.

"And what exactly am I here to do?" Hook asked her.

"I'll get the trigger and you... Well," Regina looked at him, "You're the distraction," She smirked a little.

"What?" Hook asked confused and Regina pushed him forward, making him fall off the cliff in the cave.

Hook landed at the bottom and the ghost of Maleficent appeared in front of him, "Maleficent... Love you in earth tones," Hook said as he backed away from her.

Hook began running as Maleficent's ghost chased after him, he tried fighting her off but she kept coming back. 


Brooke got into Emma's car, Emma sat in the drivers seat and Henry in the back, "So, what's up?" Brooke asked and took a takeaway cup of coffee from Emma.

"Operation Cobra was about breaking the curse, not it's about keeping Storybrooke's secret, we need a new name," Henry told him.

"At least Henry believes us," Brooke said and smiled.

"Always," Henry grinned.

"How about... Operation Tiger?" Emma suggested.

"Why?" Henry asked.

Captain is Here [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #2 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now