Undercover family part 4

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The precinct,

Lucifer was standing outside of Ella's lab waiting for Chloe to come out. Ella was doing her makeup for the party. After about ten minutes of makeup, Chloe exits the lab. she is wearing a black dress that at the front just about reaches the knees and at the back hangs much lower.(dress shown above). Lucifer stares at her.

"You look divine" he compliments

"Thank you" she thanks

"You do, truly breath-taking " he says as he walks up to her, "stunning"

Chloe blushes heavily and decides to compliment him back, "you look very handsome as usual"

Lucifer chuckles, "thank you detective"

Then someone clears their throat. They look over to see lieutenant Pierce. They both blush adorably.

"Decker, Mr.Morningstar you guys should probably get going, its eight-thirty." He reminds them, " stop recording Lopez" he orders as he walks away.

Both Lucifer and Chloe snap their heads in Ella's direction to find the forensics scientist holding up her phone grinning widely.

"Right, uh um, I wasn't recording" she lies, "I should probably just, yeah" she says as she goes back into her lab, not before giving lucifer a wink and a thumbs up.

"Righ, I suppose we should go" Lucifer suggest, putting his hand out for her to take.

"Yeah" Chloe says as she takes his hand and they both leave together.

The johnson's house, nine-thirty,

Lucifer pulls up to the house. He parks his car outside and gets out, going over to the other side to open the door for Chloe like the gentleman he is.

"Thanks" she says

Lucifer takes her hand in his and they walk into the house. They walk up to a couple and introduce themselves.

"Hello, Lucifer Morningstar and this is my wife, Chloe Morningstar" he greets.

"Nice to meet you" says Chloe.

"Hi! My name is James Scott, and this is," he introduces

" Courtney Scott" Mrs scott finishes for him.

"Nice to meet you" Mrs scott says

They talk for awhile and Lucifer and Chloe learn some information about the johnson's. They also met a few other couples to include the Sweeneys's, the O'Reily's and of course, they met the johnson's. Mrs Johnson was a elementary school teacher and Mr Johnson was a doctor. They had a daughter and a son. Twins to be exact called Lucas and Lily. They attended a high school in the area. Then, slow music started to play.

"Would you like to dance with me Chloe?" He asked her, using her real name since they were undercover.

"Sure" Chloe answered blushing as she took his hand and let him lead her to the dance floor.

Lucifer decides to lean in and take a chance, kissing her softly on the lips. When they broke apart they smiled at each other and then continue to slow dance for a while. Enjoying it very much. Just being that close to each other felt like heaven and they didn't want it to end. That was until Chloe saw something suspicious out of the corner of her eye.

"Lucifer" she whispers

"yes Chloe?" He asks softly, looking at her with a smile on his face. She smiles back.

" Um, I think I saw something" she tells him, "follow me"

Lucifer does as he's told and follows her into the hallway by the stairs. They act as casual as they can while a few couple walk by but when they're gone, chloe goes to work. She begins to feel the side of the stairs and knock on the wall.

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